Author Thread: A major section of the house of cards that the deep state has built...has just fallen (part 3 of 3)

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A major section of the house of cards that the deep state has built...has just fallen (part 3 of 3)
Posted : 11 Dec, 2023 09:34 PM

After the fraudulent 'election' of 2020, there is a period of time before the next president (in this case resident Joey Biden) takes office. I think it was originally put there so that the new president could move across country while the old president remained in office Alot of people observed the 'funny business' that took place surounding the 'election' (My buddy Gregg wanted to hear someone speak about what was going on from a Biblical perspective) So I wrote him an email and told Greg that when someone does something bad, the action is like a drop of water that GOD places into a cup. When the cup gets full then its "Lights Out" for the evil deed doer. In 2020 a group of evil doers wanted to win the election so badly that they put there cup under a soda fountain and wedged a concrete block in there. In the mental picture that I painted, I wanted it to be known that the bad guys did not just do something that would quickly fill up there cup...but the bad guys might soon preformed actions that 'no human hand" would be able to prevent them from heaping upon themselves massive amounts of wrath from GOD HIMSELF!

A group of people did go to Warshington to try to prevent the bad guys from completing the evil deed

The evil minded people doubled down and reaffirmed there commitment

1: to double the original bid in blackjack in exchange for only one more card

2: to become more tenacious, zealous, or resolute in a position or undertaking

The list of trouble that thoes evil people have heaped onto themselves would proably be over a mile long (see when you tell/support a lie, then in the future you will need to tell two more lies to cover over the trail of the origional lie. Before long your one lie has turned into a thousand. (Right now I do not consider it a part of my job to expose the thousands and thousands and thousands of lies) But by no means have the evil doers recieved a 'get out of jail' free card!

Right now I am just going to talk about January 6 2021. A group of protesters went to Washington and there was some chaos that happened. (Before Jan 6th happened I had knowledge that some 'antifa/black lives matter' counter protesters were going to cause problems on that day...and blame it on the Patriots) I almost feel the need to defend my position...but in the comming days a landslide of evidence that supports my claim will come to light. But I will give the 'highlights'

A group of protesters are said to have created chaos at the location that the United States Congress meets...and the evil crew want to act like a couple of hundred peacefull protesters managed to breach the defensive line of the capital? I have been told that there are 44,000 hours of video tape footage of the event...I think that the evil ones that have tricked and frauded there way in govermental positions have 'allowed' something like 100 hours to be viewed. Yet the 'goverment' has managed to charge and convict over 1000 people with only a small amount of the evidence

The evil people will not like what will happen in a few days.

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