Author Thread: How does the swamp/deep state get funded?

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How does the swamp/deep state get funded?
Posted : 9 Sep, 2023 10:15 AM

Tax payers are required to fund projects like the bridge to nowhere.

Pretend I am a politician that needs 1 million dollars ($1,000,000), so that I can defeat my political opponet. How would I get the money...I guess I could sell brownies/cookies, or I could ask people to give me money. But what kind of person would give me a large amount of money? I know I will make a deal with a construction company, I will say if you give me money for my election fund then when I get into political office I will direct public tax money into projects that will benifiet the construction company!

(I know people think those kinds of things happen every now and then, but in reality it happens 'every now!')

"The duplication reports are now in their fourth year, but Congress has been slow to act. The Obama administration has at least partly implemented 83% of GAO's recommendations, while Congress has taken up 52%, said Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, who will testify about the GAO's findings Tuesday at a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

It's impossible to account for how much money is wasted through duplication, in part because the government doesn't keep track of which programs each agency is responsible for, according to Dodaro's prepared testimony.

"One of the most troubling things in GAO's report is the number of agencies that have no idea just how much taxpayer money they are spending on their programs," said House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. He's sponsored legislation, the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, that would require the government to better track spending data from Congress to an agency to its ultimate recipient. The bill passed the House 388-1 last year and is awaiting a vote in the Senate."

The report said its impossible to accuratly report on the value of the waste, so I will only try to give an example...pretend that every goverment agency spends $10 tax payer dollars and your tax bill is $100, so your tax money can fund the office jobs for 10 goverment agencies. Certain people (who are traitors and proably deserve the death pentility) said we do not need to fund 1 wellfare office, what we need is 10 wellfare offices that all do the same thing. So now instead of you tax money funding goverment employes that do a worthwhile there are way too many animals that are all doing the same job.

Its like owning a company and saying I want Joe to do his job better, so I will hire 9 more people to do the same job as Joe (and here is the kicker) dont tell Joe about any of them (so everybody will think that its all up to them to do the job.)

Anyway the world will soon witness a group of individuals that are trying to stop all of the wastefull spending, but the bad people have aranged things so that the goverment will collapse unless all of the wastefull spending persists. So prepare yourselves to provide for the needs of your own hoseholds (this can be done by growing your own food...its not that difficult of a task) a person does not need to buy seeds from only 1 seed company, however make sure to purchace "Heirloom Seeds" because thoes kinds of seed can be saved from year to year.

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How does the swamp/deep state get funded?
Posted : 10 Sep, 2023 04:48 PM

Two words "fake charities"

Hate to say this but most charitable organizations run by political people are fake, I forget the number but only a small % of donations go have to legally go to the charity work. The rest can been pocketed. Things like the Clinton foundation are well known funnels in the world of philanthropy.

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How does the swamp/deep state get funded?
Posted : 11 Sep, 2023 06:52 AM

I recieved a phone call one time from a guy that wanted me to send a donation to _____ cause, so I asked him 'how much of my donation goes to help fund the cause'? I think that he told me that maby 10% of my donation could fund the actual cause...basicly the guy was asking me to help line his pockets!

Some 'charitable organizations' help fund terrorism

-The funding of terrorism through charities-

Many people do not want to hear the solution (but they need to) people need to learn to take personal responsibility. I know that it might be convient to just give a small donation to every Tom, Jane, and Mary that plays a good acting job but people need to put there heads on a swival.

I met one guy on the streets that told me that he was just an ordinary family man that was traveling with his family when his car broke down and he needed money to fix his car...the story sounded good until I saw him cutting up with another one of his buddies. (if that guy became stranded while he was just passing through then how did he find time to devolep a friendship?)

I am not saying to not be Charitable, I am just saying think about who you give money to.

Is that man on the street corner hungry and in need of food (maby so) but if you hand the guy $10 then you might of just helped a raging alcholoic buy another drink.

I know a guy that once told me that he enjoyed carring lunch meat sandwhiches with him when he went into the city. If you see a sign that say 'will work for food' (well I am sure that your donation of a couple lunch meat sandwiches would be appreciated, but some people will not be intrested in the free sandwich...and I think you can see where this is going!)

Here is a news flash, some people are dishonest! A certain political party said that they wanted to help the disadvantaged people, but they were all in favor of killing babies, they supported behavior that I think could lead to lawlessness and they wanted to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, Yes, the person had a plan...and they were asking for my help; but the plan had many holes in it!

Some people need to develop a backbone and try to spot the liars!

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How does the swamp/deep state get funded?
Posted : 18 Sep, 2023 06:28 AM

Yesterday as I was watching Newsmax, there was a story about how the aspca and the humane society like to line there own made me think of this here news thread!

Profit Over Pets? New Report Finds ASPCA and the Humane Society of the United States Shortchange Local Pet Shelters in Wyoming

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How does the swamp/deep state get funded?
Posted : 26 Sep, 2023 08:12 AM

Biden and his administration and leaders fund and support most of the evil in America!

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How does the swamp/deep state get funded?
Posted : 26 Sep, 2023 08:12 AM

And Obama never really left the White House.

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