Author Thread: A brief rundown of events.

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A brief rundown of events.
Posted : 19 Nov, 2022 08:27 PM

2 Timothy 2:4

-No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.-

So what am I doing wasting my time talking about politics? I am going to estimate that 99% of democratic candidates think that 'upstanding folks should pay for innocent babies to be sacrificed to a demonic god' they think that 'this country should be invaded' they want to 'be allowed to traffic humans' they want to 'relax policies so bad guys can do bad things' and they want to 'prevent the good folk from standing up for what is right'.

So if you consider yourself to be someone that engages in spiritual warfare and you also happen to be lending your support to the democratic party then its about time for you to do some 'soul searching'.

In the past I have spoken a lot about the kazarian mafia (or the bad boy club)

Alot of history has been erased and/or changed by the kazars, but the tent poles of the true history is as follows:

Evil money grubbers wanted to control The United States, so a plan was devised to create a company called the united states. Then all that would need to be done was to lie to the people and tell them that the business/company was the actual company that they was apart of (does this sound like a crazy story? want to hear some more crazy words? The fact that you need to have documented proof that you are not dead! How about needing to have a piece of paper that proves that someone is better hang on to that paperwork or else your great-great-great grandfather might come back to life and vote for the democrats)

I am not able to fully explain how those demonic lunitics managed to trick the population of The United States into becoming employees of there insane company (but how can a sane individual fully understand the machinations of crazy people?)

But I think the basic idea behind there scheme was to create a small company and headquater the company in a city that exists outside of The United States, in this case we will call this city 'the district of columbia' (or warshington d.c. for short)

What I want to talk about is the significance of #17.

If you have been picking up what I have been laying down, then the basic story goes something like this...Around the time of the American civil war there was some monkey business going on...certainly at the end (of life) of the president that was alive during the civil war. The president was named Abraham Lincoln who was the 16th president.

In short America has not had a legitimate president since Abraham Lincoln, but the presidency of the real United States of America will soon resume with President Donald J. Trump!

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A brief rundown of events.
Posted : 20 Nov, 2022 01:13 PM

Travis, sorry, your comments are too common sense to be taken seriously—especially in this world that more often than not shuns common sense

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A brief rundown of events.
Posted : 22 Nov, 2022 08:42 AM

Appreciate your posts and thoughts, hopefully people reading them will think more seriously about what the fake media is trying to hide

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A brief rundown of events.
Posted : 22 Nov, 2022 07:27 PM

The evil ones have tried to cause me great harm and frustration, I was not able to find humans that would help me out of the mess.

Fortunately, GOD heard my cries for help and like a mama bear protects her bear cubs, GOD came to my aid! The aid that GOD sent to get me unstuck is named Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the figurehead of an army of Patriots from America and also around the world.

I will again say that the Patriots that are steering the ship have a cooler head than what I have. (See the evil ones wanted there to be much blood shed and carnage, but GOD has appointed the Patriots to gain control. The Patriots have been working on teaching the 'normies' about what is realy going on. Although it pains me how long it takes to teach the normies, at the end of the day I am glad the process takes some time -because more people might have gotten hurt if the process hapened quickly-)

I have been told that (at best) I will proably only be able to see about 20% of what is realy going on. (Like an iceburg most of the positive changes that are going on happen below the surface.)

I have thought about the 20/80% thing, and if I am only able to observe (at best) 20% of what is going on (I am confident that on most days I do not see the full lets just call what I see as 8-10%)

So if I am only seeing 10% of the destruction of the evil ones, then I am going to assume that many other people are maby only able to observe 1-2% of the destruction of the evil ones.

But in short, the dam that the evil ones had built...the blockage has already been removed. Currently a massive wall of water is headed our way! The evil ones have already lost...most people just dont realize it yet

Thanks for the encouragement!

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