Author Thread: The deep state is running the same old play...

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The deep state is running the same old play...
Posted : 10 Nov, 2022 05:22 PM

Since satan is a fallen angel, it can not create no new ideas...and the kabaul/kazarian mafia/deep state are no more creative than there master.

So we are watching the democratic party count the votes in 2022 just like they did in 2020. They are lying about certain political contests and they are trying to confuse the facts about other contests...well their fraudlent actions have been recorded!

In other news another huricane has 'freakishly' ran into another conservative area. In the last 40 years there as never been a huricane to strike the U.S.A. in the month of November, but huricane nicole has struck an area that was already beat down by a huricane about a month ago. And like the last storm, this storm is projected to follow the same path...can you belieive it? (If I was a major con-artist I might try to sell a bridge to the people that are still amazed by the 'shell game' that we are watching!)

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