Author Thread: kazarian mafia like to try to confuse people by 'misnaming' things

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kazarian mafia like to try to confuse people by 'misnaming' things
Posted : 16 Aug, 2022 06:06 PM

the kazarian mafia is trying to bamboozle people, I am glad that they have already been caught...and any further action that is taken by the mob has already been determined as illegitimate!

But the mafia preys on the minds of the simple/naive. The evil crew enjoys gaining the concent of the public by 'cleverly misnaming' there actions.

For example lets look at a bill that was given the name of 'the inflation reduction act'.

The evil crew has a diffrent set of definitions, it would be like me 'redefining' what the game of baseball is. When I ask you if you would like to play baseball...well then sure you will vote that we play the game

But what if I told you that my definition of 'playing baseball' is running around hitting each other with baseball bats...then who in there right mind would want to do that?

To quote a financial anylist 'the inflation reduction act' seems to be about 'global warming'. The mafia thinks that human development is causing global warming so in there minds if everyone switches over to using solar electricty then global warming will be reduced. But we need to ask ourselves 'why are other planets heating up?'

The mafia does not want to explain that the sun is currently behaving diffrently.

So when the mafia says that they are working to reduce inflation, what they mean is that they will provide protection to people that do what the mafia wants them to do. In short the kazarian mafia is trying to pass bills that extort people.

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