Author Thread: Let look at some of the fakery that is going on in Ukraine.

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Let look at some of the fakery that is going on in Ukraine.
Posted : 5 Mar, 2022 05:57 PM

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I find situational humor, irony, and poetic justice funny. For example when in Malachi 2:3 GOD says that HE is so repulsed by the quality of 'worship' that is being offered up by the priests that HE was transform the priests into such a big pile of dung, the garbage men would not be able to separate the humans from the dung!

Malachi 2:3 ...I will smear on your faces the dung from your festival sacrifices, and you will be carried off with it.

(Thats comedy! Good job GOD!)

So when certain people create a system of 'legalized rules' and the group loves to point out when people are not able to live up to the requirements those people made up.

(Ex 'your request has been denied because you have failed to submit the proper paper work'... so what I am asking is being ignored because I did not jump through the hoops like you wanted me too?)

Anyway here is some more comedy!

'The UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state. This is why we can assume that Russia does not commit violations of rights over Ukraine.'

(Hahahaha, what a bunch of goofs!)

Wait! Let me get this straight... The 'United Nations' has created rules and now the u.n. is upset at Russia because Russia has beat the u.n. at its own game. Hahahahaha

And now the u.n. wants the world to get mad at Russia because they are managing an area that is within there own borders? (Oh that story is rich!)

Please pass along the level of incompetence displayed by the u.n. (Joey Biden and the democrats are not the only 'dumbcoufs')

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