Author Thread: My responce when people finaly wake up.

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My responce when people finaly wake up.
Posted : 20 Oct, 2021 04:45 PM

Imagine growing up in a city. One day you learn that your beloved city is under threat of attack. You are generally a peaceful person, but your home town is under attack so you sign up to defend the city. One day an opposing fighter got so close to you that you could see the man's teeth. The man kept yelling "it's all's all fake". Surely the man is somewhat out of his mind because what he is saying just does not make sense. As you reflect on the words, sudden a large man stands up and yells "cut". You watch in horror as the buildings that line the streets are carted away. As you stare in disbelief not only were some of the 'buildings' were made of cardboard...but also some of your 'brothers in arms' you watched as they walk off stage and change their wardrobe.

In short, in the next few days and weeks, more and more people will realize that we have been involved in an elaborate puppet show.

Today I briefly watched an interview of a black man th

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My responce when people finaly wake up.
Posted : 20 Oct, 2021 05:41 PM

(my computer encountered a glitch and submitted the article while I was typing...sorry about that.)

But the man was among the protesters that were labeled as insurrectionists on January 6. The man just went to warshington to say that he did not think the presidential election was dealt with in an honest and fair manner. From what I gather the patroits that went to warshington dc (I dont capitalize the word because I have come to have 0% respect for the evil that city is responsible for), they walked into a trap that was set for them (its called a false flag event). The man said that the 'police' (or people with police costumes on) fired some kind of gas weapon that immediately closed off peoples airways. The guy said that it knocked him down and he fell down a flight of stairs and about 30 people fell on top of the man. Evidently another lady that fell down reached out and grabbed the mans hand and somebody yelled "she cant breath". A group of patriots were either running toward the lady to aid her, or the were rushing the 'police' (presumably to stop any more attacks) But either way the man said that the video footage that is being shone is not what happened...he said that parts of the footage are not there.

It reminds me of a 'conversation' that I had on a social media forum. A buddy that I went to school with said something like 'I wish that I could travel to dc to protest how the election was mannaged' (this conversation was a few days before Jan. 6) And I told him that wanting to be in that location was not a good idea because I had heard that some sort of trap might be being set... remember patroits are generaly the type of people that you call on to do light weigh handy man is out of chacter to say that patriots are looting and pilaging a public building!

I want to share something that I have learned...generaly speaking men have shoulders that are more broad than women...typicaly (I am not prepared to say always) mens shoulders can fit three heads on them...whereas a womans shoulders can only fit 2 heads. So people can get plastic surgery so that they have certain parts of the opsite gender, but it is much, much, much harder to change your bone structure.

I am telling people that because I want them to draw a connection. The people that are responsible for 'wardrobe and set design' (please see the first article that I published on this topic). Instead the "people" that h

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My responce when people finaly wake up.
Posted : 20 Oct, 2021 06:12 PM

(sorry again)

but the people that have produced the puppet show, not only are the people tricksters (not funny clowns, I am talking about mean spirited tricksters) but also some of the people are weird 'fruit loop' type of people.

In the closing of this note I would like the readers to look up "the brownshirts of ww2"...basicly the brownshirts were angry, and bad actors purposefully misdirected the anger and used the brownshirts as cannon fodder. (Anger is not bad, in fact the Bible tells us to be angry, but we are not to let our anger cause us to sin.) -This is what certain bad actors will say 'yeah, yeah people have a right to be angry...however dont try to logicaly think about how to handel the situation...just trust me when I say, angry people should tear down that statue, or they should throw bricks at that window then everyone will see how angry you are!--

the black lives matter movement, as well as antifa (and other left wing organized groups) need to learn they are being used and as soon as they have been used then they will be hung out to dry!

My reaction will be somewhat mixed,

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