Author Thread: The left does ot think that the rules apply to them.

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The left does ot think that the rules apply to them.
Posted : 24 Sep, 2021 11:38 PM

Seven or eight years ago, I really began to notice that something was terribly off putting concerning the way that 'governments -in my case the government of the U.S.A.-' were handling issues. It seemed like far too often the main tool that was used to resolve conflicts was to iron the problem out with a hammer.

After some time, I discovered that the men that are known as the -Founding Fathers of Amercia- they went through a similar confusing time in there lives. The story goes like this...'For whatever reason a bully decides to pick on you, and like myself thoes men tried to be as diplomatic about conflict-resolution as possible. As it so happens to be, GOD guided the minds of thoes men and they made a map, so anybody in the future (thats us) would know the proper way to deal with tyranny..

While I do not place the 'Declaration of Independence' on the same level as scripture, I do greatly respect the work of my ancestors and the paper trail that they left that led them to say 'Enough is enough!'

As many people know, America used to be a colony of Great Britten. The Americians did not loose their cool as soon as the abuse started. In fact the Amercians did not flip their lid when the same type of abuse was committed for more than two dozen times...take note of how we are shown to handle abuses! Like a long train that passes by, just count the train cars (notice how you can not look around many of the train cars.) The Declaration of Independence has the following words to say:

--Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--

(Translation, its not Wise to squabble over light/petty issues at the end of the day its sometimes easier just to ignore a minor offense, but you would be foolish to keep beig fooled by the same old trick, so when you get tricked ask yourself what is the core motive behind tricking me. If someone keeps trying to attack the same door, at some point you need to deal with the issue.)

My point is simple, the founders explained that on at least 27 insentience the monarchy (British government) purposefully overlooked the feelings, and abused the welfare of the Americans. Like today evil people have jockeyed into positions of authority, and the evil people make rules that will protect themselves...but if the rules hurt those in authority then the 'rules' can be thrown out. The system can be explained as 'Those rules are meant for thee, but not for me!'

Search 'chaz/chop zone' (capital hill autonomous zone/capital hill occupy protest) Maby some people will remember the non-sense of 'chaz' in Seattle Washington that took place long ago in a land far away (wait that's not right it happened last year in an area of the country that is controlled by left wing loonies) The left wing mayor of Seattle said that the 'chop' had a 'block party atmosphere (but if I was walking down the street and saw an upside down Amercian flag with the words 'love + rage blm' spray painted on it...thats not a block party that I want to attend. The mayor of that city described what was going on as 'a summer of love'. Search for a picture of '-Seattle Police Department East precint chaz-' I remember that someone was wounded inside of 'the chaz' and the ambulance would not rush in without a police escort. The chaz people got mad because of the long wait time. (This is a great time to remember the slogan 'de fund the police'.

Left wingers, want to create a duel society...which sounds good until it is realized that "left wing policies are some bad ideas'. Its like they want to roll around in their food supply and then they will complain that they are not even offered a decent meal, then if the conservatives do not bend over backward and share a precious resource...the left will get angry and burn down the city that they live in, and then conservatives are expected to enter into a violent area, put out the fires, clean up the grafitti, and rebuild businesses with a smile (I know that there are conservatives that also live in those cities, sometimes a person just needs to count their losses!)

Remember: the left does not think that we should construct a wall on the southern border, but it seemes to me that one of the first things that was done in 'the chaz' was to make a dividing line between 'in and out' (as they wrote: you are entering chaz onto a baracade) Some people might call that a check point.

I am not sure weather I should laugh/wince or feel sorry for the gardeners in the pictures that I saw when I searched for 'chaz garden' but I noticed (among other things) that residence felt the need to construct fences around there work, also they put up a sign that supported segregation) But when you do that its wrong...and you should be ashamed of yourself!

Bluntly stated: blinkard people have a tendency to live real close together, if you do not want to share the same fate as them then move away. (That was a warning!)

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The left does ot think that the rules apply to them.
Posted : 30 Sep, 2021 02:40 PM

Thousands of Illegal immigrants don't have to get vaccinated.

But, the Border Patrol persons are all Required to get vaccinated.

This was on New Radio.

Yet Biden is making vaccinations mandated for Many employees and business personal.

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The left does ot think that the rules apply to them.
Posted : 30 Sep, 2021 02:45 PM

"News" Radio


It's all about about moving toward communism in USA.

This will not happen with a huge fight. Many people who do not Progress Christianity , do not want to live in communist Country.

Many Countries are Already living in Communism.

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The left does ot think that the rules apply to them.
Posted : 30 Sep, 2021 02:47 PM


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