Author Thread: 50,000 Muslims at the Capitol

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50,000 Muslims at the Capitol
Posted : 19 Sep, 2009 01:53 PM

The muslims will be on the Capitol on Sept. 25 to "show people how they pray," and to "make the White House muslim." I thought it already was muslim. But there are alot of websites with this story, if this link doesn't work you can google it. They apparantley have been inspired by Obama according to what I've read. And he didn't even acknowledge the National Day of Prayer. Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. Stay close to the Lord!!!

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50,000 Muslims at the Capitol
Posted : 19 Sep, 2009 10:30 PM

Yes, & let's pray that more hearts turn towards the Lord.


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50,000 Muslims at the Capitol
Posted : 20 Oct, 2009 03:59 PM

If Obama is a Muslim, then he's not a very good one. Seems more worldly than Muslim to me. And not unlike the Pope, he seems to practice, or pretend to practice what ever religious system is being followed in the land that he is currently in. I've got tons of video and photo images exploiting this fact.

That aside, I feel sorry for the Muslims who's way of life (which is very close to the our Jewish Christian roots) is being threated by a secular culture...

...not unlike the lives of my native ancestors here...

...but alas, that is the way of the One World movement which is taking place right underneath our noses, and in our names. :/

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