Author Thread: praying for our leaders

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praying for our leaders
Posted : 17 Jun, 2012 02:35 PM

Today at church, my pastor's sermon broached the subject of politics. Not to tell us who to vote for or what to look for, but to pray for the people that are running our country and the countries around the world. I think he has a good point. It's so easy for me to put all of my backing into one person, to make the change i want in the world, but what i need to do is instead put all of my backing into God and what He wants for this world. He will provide the people to do His will and i need to patient and be listening to Him, to know who that is. I think it's good for everyone to know what is going on in our world and to stand up for/or against certain rights, but i hope this little insight helps your view on politics like it has mine. God bless!


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