Author Thread: MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly

MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 7 May, 2012 09:34 AM

9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly.

The civilian defense attorney of one of the men accused of plotting the Sept. 11 attacks wore a black hijab and long black robe at the arraignment of the five Guantanamo prisoners Saturday, and she wants other women to dress more modestly.

*** I�m purty sure all the lady�s there were dressed in �court approved� garments�

Attorney Cheryl Bormann, 52, who is from Chicago and is not Muslim, said she wore the modest garment that revealed only her face to show respect for the religious sensitivities of her client, Yemeni terror suspect Walid bin Attash.

*** NO! She wore it as a MOCKERY to this country�s USA court of Law and Government�What about those �sensitivities� to the �religion� of Judeaism and Christianity which they so blantly �attacked��

Bormann asked the court to order the other women present at the hearing to dress more modestly so as not to distract the defendants, who would be "committing a sin under their faith" by looking at them.

According to The Washington Post, chief military prosecutor Brig. Gen. Mark Martins deemed the request not worthy of a response.

*** Ata Boy Martins !!!!�

"The women on the prosecution team are dressed in an appropriate and professional manner," Martins said Sunday at a press conference.

The five defendants face 2,976 counts of murder and terrorism in the 2001 attacks that sent hijacked jetliners into New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The charges carry the death penalty.

*** 11 years and they still live ???�in Levit and Deut GOD commands Stoning to death for murder�concious premetatated�is this Country USA afraid of ramifications for putting them to death ? or are we gona jail them and raise taxes again to pay for their comfort until they die in jail ???�

On Saturday, the self-described mastermind of the attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants refused to respond to the judge or use the court's translation system and demanded a lengthy reading of the charges. One of them got up and started praying.

*** What ???�isn�t this �Contempt� of Court ???�.Are we being lead away from �Justice� here ???..add another "count"...

Defense lawyer James Connell called the tactics "peaceful resistance to an unjust system."

*** Peaceful my a$$�it is a Blantant Slap in the face !!!�

The arraignment, Connell said, "demonstrates that this will be a long, hard-fought but peaceful struggle against secrecy, torture and the misguided institution of the military commissions."

*** ????

The defendants' actions outraged relatives of the victims.

"They're engaging in jihad in a courtroom," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother, Charles, was the pilot of the plane that flew into the Pentagon. She watched the proceeding from Brooklyn on one of the closed-circuit video feeds around the United States.

NBC News' Michael Isikoff contributed to this report.

*** What a MOCKERY this is of our Government and Court system�Wake up America!!!�Time is running out and it would be well to decide what GOD you believe in�The GOD of Jihad or the GOD of Israel !!!�This girl only gots two cheeks to turn and Christ Jesus knows that Forgivness from me of such Acts of Terrorism isn�t gonna happen�xo

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 7 May, 2012 04:13 PM

Strict adherence to "fairness" as zealous as any pharisee - and as much use! :rolleyes:

Still, I take issue with your last comment about not forgiving terrorists. I don't know you but I assume you personally didn't lose close family in the event? God lost His only Son at Calvary, and still He forgives. Think about it...

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 8 May, 2012 12:08 PM

Still, I take issue with your last comment about not forgiving terrorists. I don't know you but I assume you personally didn't lose close family in the event? God lost His only Son at Calvary, and still He forgives. Think about it...

*** It saddens me you have "issues" with my last comment and you "assume"...

Yes...GOD gave His Son...and GOD Did Not Lose Him...I've forgiven many for trespasses against GOD's...mine...and be perfectly honest...I Pray for All...however...This type of Mockery in the Courtrooms of our Government is to see just how far they can push the "Infidel" into submission...We submit to NO Christ Jesus...Christ came the first time to bring "the Good News"...the "Kingdom of Heaven" time...He brings Wrath...think about that will ya....and remember...He came to bare "Witness" of the "Truth"...and remember the "Truth" that He was put to Death by "?"...and the "Truth" is that Terrorists have no Compassion nor Love of GOD's people...Be Blessed...and may God be with you today and always...xo

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 10 May, 2012 03:12 AM

Okay, I'll be blunt and to the point: even if you had lost *everyone* you ever loved at 9/11, you still don't get to decide if you'll forgive or not. It is a *requirement* (not an option), that if we want forgiveness we must also forgive, and that's regardless of how we feel about doing it. I'll qualify this by saying it's a response to your remark about not forgiving; it's not to trivialise your feelings about what they deserve, only stating the standard we are called to.

I do think they're making a mockery of your justice system (we've had the same with Abu Hamza - aka Captain Hook) and your courts should stop pussyfooting around and tell them to get lost, but whether your courts give them the death penalty or a full pardon is, in the grand scheme of things, pretty much irrelevant, because everyone must stand before God to face judgement regardless of how men judged them here on Earth.

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 10 May, 2012 08:47 AM

:applause:...LOVE your Boldness !!!...and Thank you for Bringing it Home on the "Forgiveness"...:glow:...I needed to hear a balanced and truthful word on that and it has not fallin on deaf ears...even though my "opinions" on this matter are just that...I failed to remember that Father GOD has it all under control...I can forgive them...Im just having trouble "forgeting" them...pertaining to this 9/11 terrorist attack and the mockery that has been on-going...Anywho...the one Good that came out of the attack is the People that came together to help in Spirit of GOD...xo

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 10 May, 2012 04:14 PM

If only I could get everyone at my church to agree on forgiveness; sadly a few have stated there's certain things they would never forgive someone for (and much less than 9/11 too). If they knew my past they'd probably not forgive me either, which is why I'm so so thankful to God I have His...

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 10 May, 2012 04:30 PM

Ya...the "If Onlys"...can tare us up at times...thats were Prayer comes in...we can pray for others to understand the importance of "Forgiveness"...lead by rememberance of God's word and into scripture as you did with me...and it is always God's will for it to happen...right ?...I'll join you in Prayer for Church needs it to...xo

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MSN ~ 9/11 defense attorney wears hijab at hearing, wants others in court to dress more modestly
Posted : 11 Jun, 2012 08:58 AM

911 wasn't even close to being investigated properly. Those buildings were destroyed with explosives. It is amazing to me how sheep can jump on a band wagon without investigation.

9-11 Beyond a reasonable doubt - look it up on youtube. Watch this and then respond with some intelligence.

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