Thread: $14,425,765,000,000 And Counting--The Collapse of Civilizations
$14,425,765,000,000 And Counting--The Collapse of Civilizations
Posted : 17 Aug, 2011 11:39 AM
Hi everyone,
In my Doctoral Thesis I am working on for my Doctorate, it is a compositeindepth look and documentation of the collapse of ALL civilizations through history WITHOUT EXCEPTION, based on ten given parameters that stage each culture from origin to collapse and then remaining peoples into dispersion and the cycle begins again.
The stage 9 and into the full collapse there are three traits that we are now looking at in our own American culture of The United States. I thought it would be interesting to post them here and to invite comment on same. Check list just these three and see how close we are in our beloved United States as of 2011.
Thus, here they are:
1. Said culture begins to abandon its origin of premise and its original moral center. It tends to embrace unbridled adventurism (war) it cannot afford, at the expense of its own populace. Liberalism replaces reason, and arcane, inane laws and cultural oddities take hold and extreme saturation of culture mandate and taxes are so widespread the governing body itself loses track of which social and liberal program effects who and how many there are to even attempt to mange.
2. Said culture at stage 9 embraces homosexuality, child-adult sex, embracement of every form of deviant behavior including body mutilation (body and organ and genital piercings, tattoos, defacement of body and facial aplomb), and wholesale pornography on a public level so prevalent that its shock moral value decays to wholesale acceptance and apathy.
3. At stage 9 to 10--(collapse), wholesale debt is beyond said culture's ability to pay down and become solvent. To put this in perspective, $14,000,000,000,000+ (14 trillion) is enough money to give every man women and child on Earth $14,000 dollars. Or put another way, paid off at $1,000,000 (1 million) per day, it will only take 622 years to become solvent again, or 3 times longer than we have been a culture.
We are at the front end of stage 9 as of this post date, 8-17-2011.
$14,425,765,000,000 And Counting--The Collapse of Civilizations
Posted : 22 Sep, 2011 07:13 AM
Thank you for posting this information. The sad truth is we are most probably at the beginning of the end times for our nation and our world as we know it. I know i see what is happening in our government, culture and just wonder really, what more i can do as an individual. i have written so many letters and signed so many petitions, but it seems our government thinks they live by a golden spoon and they no longer work for us. Forget any moral or legal ethics anymore, it is every man for himself and i have found that the response to the political climate is that the people have resolved that they are cashing in on what they are owed from the government. They feel entitled; another incurable sickness that will be resolved when we go under as a civilization.
i work with abandoned and abused moms and children and in 1 year and a half, it has risen from 28% to 42%, not just blaming the economy, but more our moral decline. We also have observed an increase in unemployment and homelessness. There is an unwillingness for people to do the right thing; I'm not even sure that they even know there is a right moral attitude that should be followed anymore.
I am not surprised that no one on this site really wanted to comment here, because that would mean that they would need to look outside of their little world. Things are not stable, but people are not yet willing to admit their part in it. And yet, truthfully, even if they did, what do we do now? to stop it?
I am not usually a negative person, but more of a realist and it is sad what is just under the facade that we call life here in the America's. The seams are bursting and the sad fact is that everyone is so overwhelmed with their own issues that the strong moral decay and failure of our country probably will not be addressed.
I want to be wrong about everything I've written. I want someone to prove me wrong. I will continue to do what I can, but do see your point. Is there anything that you see that we can do to delay this process?
$14,425,765,000,000 And Counting--The Collapse of Civilizations
Posted : 30 Sep, 2011 10:55 AM
Hey Robert
Would you please list which past civilizations have followed this pattern~ I can think of perhaps four.
Also, of note, is that my study of the history of the American family had shown that in every 40 years there occurred a 10 fold increase in moral decay. Just think back 40 years, no stores open on Sunday until 7/11 convenient stores arrived, Hell was a bad cuss word, if a politician was caught in adultery he quietly gave up his office, there was immediate justice with the death penalty for heinous crimes (there is little to no justice now in America, especially with the current rise in closings of small claims courts), and the media had strong restraints in what it could invade our culture with.
No, there is no saving America (some say it disappears by nuclear holocaust when it and Russia try to stop China from marching into the Middle East with its 200 million troops, that IT HAS TODAY, as foretold in the book of Revelations).
Also, there is no saving the Earth. It is meant for destruction, and is clearly heading there- and the #1 reason is greed. The poisoning of the ecosystem and, consequently, our bodies (cancer, etc., etc, etc, anyone?) and the rise in war throughout the world today is mainly due to someone wanting more zeroes at the end of their bank account.
Keep one eye on heaven and the other on Christ's return~ and be found a faithful servant at His appearing brother.