Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 23 Oct, 2009 01:10 PM
Im so tired of being told that Im racist for criticizing or suspecting Mr. Obama. To me, the ones who accuse everybody of being racist for criticizing him are the racist ones! Why cant I just disagree with the president because what he is doing I feel is wrong? Why does it have to be about the color of his skin? If Mr. Obama were white or Arab or Jewish or Hispanic I would feel the same way as I do about his agendas and policies as I do now. It has NOTHING to do with his skin color! I'm so TIRED of people using the race card to scare and intimidate others out of speaking out for what they believe in. To me that is racist. Its just as racist to give someone special privileges, protection, and reservations based solely on there skin color as it is to deny someones rights based solely on their skin color! I know that there are people who probably hate him because he is black and those people are WRONG. There are good and bad people of every race and to hate an entire people group is bigotry and is rightfully disputed as racism. But it is stupid and unfair to accuse and label ANYONE who disagrees with Mr. Obama as being a racist and I find it really insulting. As Americans we should be past all the stupid race issues. So when I say that racism is stupid I am not only speaking about the people who hate solely because of race, I am also speaking to the people who try and label anyone who disagrees with our president as racist. For they are just as guilty of being racist for loving someone for the reason of race alone as the people who hate for the reason of race alone! Lets grow up America and leave the idiotic and unproductive race card at home. Both sides need to do this. I feel the people who voted for Mr. Obama just because he was black are just as racist and foolish as those who refused to vote for him just because he was black.
On a totally different note i feel it is wise to watch our world leaders and pay attention to what they are doing because the bible does promise that an anti-christ will appear. Mr. Obama has done and said some things that could warrant suspicion, and arouse attention. I will be watching him closely. On the same note though I feel it is unfair to Mr. Obama to label him the anti-christ. That is an attack on his character that no one deserves unless they truly ARE the ant-christ. If he truly is the evil one, then the Lord will make it known to us as is promised by the Apostle Paul in the book of Thessalonians. But until I can say without a doubt that Barak Obama truly is the anti-christ I REFUSE to label him so. There is nothing wrong with paying attention, studying the facts, and watching our leaders closely. We know that there WILL be an anti-christ and any world leader could possibly be him, but lets not jump the gun here. His Policies seem dangerous to me and I will watch them closely. But I'm not going to make that accusation unfairly, it isn't right.
Now let me state a few reasons for my concerns with Mr. Barak Obama now that I have made it clear that I'm not accusing him of being the anti-christ and I'm not speaking out of racism.
Mr. Obama's health care plan is liable to tax the American tax payers into poverty and put the government in a position to decide on who is "worthy" enough for quality medical treatment. This could lead to the elderly, the mentally ill, people with infirmities of all kinds and the obese to be denied medical treatment. That scares me and Im just being honest. It scares me because that is EXACTLY what Hitler did. He weeded out the weak and passed judgement on people deciding whether or not they were worthy of life saving treatment. Placing government bureaucrats over the health system is a huge mistake in my opinion.
His hate crimes bill also scares me. I don't feel like sexual orientation should be elevated to the level of race. Violent crimes are ALL motivated by hate and should be prosecuted. Gay, straight, transexual, it doesnt matter if someone is assaulted they should be protected under the law and thier assailants punished, there doesnt need to be a provision written in the law elevating a certain people group over others. This bill will lead to infringement on American's religious freedoms. Personally I believe homosexuality, in all of its forms is morally wrong. The bible teaches that view clearly. But with this new hate crimes law what I just wrote is considered hate speech. And before you agree with them on calling this hate speech let me explain myself and how I feel about homosexuality.
I feel homosexuality is wrong. I will never change my opinion on that. I would even willingly face imprisonment or even death before I would change my opinion on the issue. The bible clearly teaches that it is sin, and there are multiple occasions in the bible that God enters into judgment on societies that have embraced homosexuality. Don't believe me? read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah or the story of the levite and his concubine in the book of judges. That being said, while I do feel that life style is wrong, I don't hate homosexuals. God created every one of them just as he has done with me, and Jesus died for every one of them just as he has done for me. God does not "hate fags" as so many "christian" protesters have claimed. Those people make me sick and they will receive there just reward for passing there judgment on others in such a way. No on the contrary God LOVES homosexuals. He doesn't love there sin but he loves them. God sees all sin as the same. It is all considered rebellion in His book. God hates all sin. He hates idol worship (people worshiping false Gods, themselves, money, drugs) He hates lying and adultery and hatred JUST as much as he hates homosexuality. We are ALL guilty of sin and no one will find themselves in better standing with God concerning their sin whatever it may be than those who choose a homosexual lifestyle. Only Jesus can reconcile us with God and he is just as willing to reconcile the homosexual as he is any other sinner. I would never harm or assault a person for being gay just as I would never harm someone for drinking and getting drunk or doing drugs or lying. It is not my place to pass that sort of judgment.
But the hate crimes law classifies what I just said as hate speech, although I am not even speaking out of hate but out of my own personal convictions and religious beliefs. You will not find me at some one's funeral insulting there family and disgracing there memory just because the deceased was homosexual. You will not find me "gay bashing" or harming others because they are homosexual. You will not find me holding a sign that says "God hates all fags". Never. I feel the people who do those things are out of line, are not following what the bible teaches, and are hurting the mission and message of the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for ALL of our sins not just a select few. It is not my job to be judge, or jury, or executioner, and I firmly stand on that statement. But I do HAVE a right to believe in the bible. And now Mr. Obamas hate crimes bill threatens my right to BELIEVE homosexuality is wrong because the bible says so and I believe the bible came from God. The bill threatens pastors and churches and bible teachers. It is literally forcing someone elses view that homosexuality is ok down our throats, and that my friends, is unconstitutional. It is a dangerous road to go down and i cant help but feel that this will end up being an attack on the church and our right to believe in what the bible says. So yes Mr. Obama you are scaring me, i dont hate Mr. Obama and like I said I am not accusing him of being the anti-christ, but he sure is making me uneasy with all these laws he is pushing that seem to go against the US constitution. Sorry for such a long rant but I felt it all needed to be said.