Author Thread: Do you know Sweden ?

Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 07:04 AM

I have lived in USA for 6 years.

As an Swedish living and working in USA did I find out that almost noone did knew about my country, Sweden.

On TV did they not talk abour Europe more than in most case negative matters.

For me did it sounded like TV in USA wanted American people to think that other countries are not so developed as USA.

I got the question one time if we had radio in Sweden.

How much do you know about Sweden and the rest of Europe ?

If people knew some countries was it because they have been in the military and visit it but I doubt that this people know so much about the country as they most are around the habors.

In some countries in Europe is there hotel that have everything inside them so people don't need to walk out from the hotel to buy things.

How can they know about countries then ?

When I lived in Texas did I hear that people thought that Sweden was the same as Switzerland.

People refused to work with me on September 11 every year because I was a foreigner. I said to them that Sweden have not been in war for more than 250 years and we work together with USA in the military.

Tell me what do you know about Europe.

( Sweden belong to Europe and am a member of European union ) :yay:

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2010 11:36 PM

But of course! Does not everyone know about the small country that once defeated Russia and had control of the Baltic Sea ports.Was it under Gustave or Charles perhaps. If so, they also know that one of Peter the Greats driving anbitions was to regain control.They know of Peter's all out scorchesd earth warfare policy and devastation unseen before. So much so that Sweden has remained neutral for over two centuries. Once a formidable power, a warrior nation so to speak,todays Swedes are a gentle,kind folk that can not own and bear arms freely.,thus the irony in one of their former prime ministers being gunned down. They are very tolerant of other ethnicities as well as very progressive sexual liberals. They place a great deal of importance on their education sytem, and their women are among some of the most beautiful in the world. They are the land of the midnight sun, reindeer and cloud berry liquer.The Swedish government has more control over the individual liberties of it's citizens than an average democracy and while the benefits of a social state are enormous they come at a high price in the form of some of the highest taxes on the planet. Their socialized medicine, while free to all, denies treatment that would potentially lengthen the kives of it's geriatric population and is weakened by the number of professionals that relocate in an attempt to avoid the extreme taxes. They have a constitutinal monarchy government and their nationl anthym is Thou ancient Thou free or something like that... Please, Dear do not assume that Americans know little about the world they live in. It often appears that other countries and cultures now little about Americans...unlike other nations Americans are born free and live free and one of our most important birth rights is the right to say God Bless America.. thank you for reading and have a blessed day

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Do you know Sweden ?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2010 07:59 PM

I spent a summer there 10 yrs ago. I remember the sign outside the town of Ljungby (I think that's how it's spelled) said-"Flick ---Ljungby ----Smoland." I can't remember it all. It's something like "Girls from Small land come from Ljungby."

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