Author Thread: Why Come? We're in the Army now?

Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2011 02:10 PM

Why come we may not be bumped to page 2 for a year?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 05:17 AM

Why come Good-morning, gang? ____________________________ Why come AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS IN THE LAST DAYS, SAITH GOD, I WILL POUR OUT OF MY SPIRIT UPON ALL FLESH: AND YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY, AND YOUR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS, AND YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS-- Acts 2:17 ? _____________________________ Why come I'm praying for T to get a good report from the doctor? ____________________________ Why come All of nature is a grand symphony conducted by the Creator?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 12:47 PM

Why come Thank You for the prayers!? :)

Why come he wants me to have another (better) MRI?

Why come he said he doesn't understand what's wrong? Haha!

Why come me neither, but I didn't go to school for near as long? hehe

Why come it'll all work out fine? :)

Why come the driveway gravel washed out on the road really bad?

Why come the gravel made quite a bump in the road?

Why come I didn't know what I was going to do about it?

Why come I felt guilty for not being able to go shovel it, at least a little bit?

Why come when I got home today, the State Highway Dept was fixing it with their big bucket thingy?! :)

Why come God is so awesome!!!!! :)

Why come Whew! That's a load off! .....several, really. Haha!

Why come?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 01:14 PM

Why come rambo cat is back for a short time?

why come rambo cat will leave in a short time from now?

Why come one of my brothers had to be a jerk and say he did not like the meat being served for Easter?

Why come he went home to eat frozen Pizza?

Why come I thought it was good he left?

Why come the rest of us ate more?

Why come my one brother is a jerk?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 01:16 PM

Why come hope you all had a wonderful Easter?

Why come I pray for T's healing?

Why come thank you Lord for fixing T's driveway?

Why come thank you Lord for having a friend fix my driveway, when I needed it?

Why come thank you Lord for all my new friends here?

Why come I am happy and love you all?

Why come I thank all the men and women in the military and to keep then safe and healthy. Thank you Jesus!?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 01:48 PM

Why come Ms. Marvel needs to turn that cell phone off when she dates her boyfriend?

Why come teasing her about cell phone use is so funny?

Why come women always have to talk on the phone?

Why come I am asking for trouble?

Why come Rachel, ( Ms. Marvel ) is trouble?

Why come Rambo cat says hello to everybody?

Why come I have a new cat picture on my profile?

Why come this new cat pic is a cat wearing a lemon on its head?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 03:38 PM

Why comes indeed?

Why comes?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 05:13 PM

Why come I don't want browneyedgirl to shovel gravel?

Why come I can't say that 5 times fast?

shovel gravel ... shovel gravel ... shovel gravel ... shovel gravel

Why come I'm glad it's fixed now?

Why come I'm baking banana bread?

Why come I love to bake?

Why come come over and eat some? YUM!

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 05:33 PM

Why comes it hurts so bad?

Why comes everybody I meet on CDFF and become friends and they like me then they delete/deactivate their account?

Why comes I feel like I don't have anybody to talk too?

Why comes I am so frustrated?

Why comes I know that the why comers care?

Why comes Have a great day all?

Why comes?:angel:

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 06:49 PM

Why come maybe Rambo cat can borrow Rachel's cell phone and give Flatlander a call? ____________________________ Why come cheer up little brother? _____________________________ Why come Lynne will share some banana bread with ya, if I don't get there first and eat it all? _____________________________ Why come I'm glad flowers has nice friends to fix her driveway? _____________________________ Why come I know T thinks state gravel shovelers Rock? _____________________________ Why come all families have at least one jerk; maybe more? _____________________________ Why come Thank God for small miracles (Big ones too)? _____________________________ Why come freedom isn't free? ____________________________ Why come I Soooooo appreciate all enlisted men and women? ____________________________ Why come I gotta go?

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Why Come? We're in the Army now?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2011 06:51 PM

Why come Flatlander is frustrated?

Why come Flatlander gets a why comers still-here-and-not-deleted/deactivated group hug? (((hug)))

Why come every time I see Flatlander here I think of the Imperials song "Outlander"?

Why come that song is now stuck in my head?

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