Author Thread: If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 26 May, 2024 06:18 PM

That’s right, if you have the money you can create your own fake science. Case in point: climate change.

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 26 May, 2024 07:23 PM

Revelation 11:18

...The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small— and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 27 May, 2024 05:09 PM


The verse, in its proper context, is about the Antichrist’s destructive policies. The verse has nothing to say about the modern man made climate change hoax.

Or perhaps, you’re trying to say the antichrist "destroying” (ie corrupting) the world has some relevance to fake science?

Or, possibly, you’ve allowed yourself to become victimized by climate change hoaxers who cleverly rip Bible verses out of context in their propaganda campaign to deceive ignorants Christians into supporting man made climate change hoax.

Or maybe you have some other reason for quoting the Bible. Whatever reason you have, you didn’t say.

Nevertheless, you provided me a teachable moment.

Revelation 11:18 is about, in the words of John Gill, the antichrist and his followers; who destroy the bodies, souls, and estates of men, and not only the inhabitants of the earth, but even the earth itself; for through that laziness and idleness which they spread wherever they come, a fruitful country is turned into barrenness; who corrupt the minds of men with false doctrine, idolatry, and superstition, and the bodies of women and men with all uncleanness and filthiness, with fornication, sodomy ( Revelation 19:2 ) ; and are the cause of their own destruction, and the destruction of others; which, upon the blowing of the seventh trumpet, will come swiftly and irrecoverably. Now will Babylon sink as a millstone into the sea, never to be seen more; both the western and eastern antichrists are intended; the former is called the son of perdition, because of his

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 27 May, 2024 05:20 PM

I will let you peel apart the verse yourself.

You quote the words of John Gill who also writes of destroying even the earth itself.

All I did was site a verse. You can do whatever you want with it.

Perhaps John Gill gets it right.

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 27 May, 2024 05:22 PM

But who cares? There will be a new heaven and a new earth, so lay waste this one.

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 27 May, 2024 05:23 PM

Adam's original assignment was to care for the garden.

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 27 May, 2024 05:39 PM

I am no way in favor of Biden's "Green New Deal" and I believe in Planetary Cycles. Anything Biden does is corrupted. They want to invade your house with policies that invade your house and invade your kitchen and invade your toilet and invade your oven, so that you cannot cook with propane and so you have little water to flush your toilet and little water to wash your clothes and little water to wash your dishes with imaginative shortages and distorted concerns. Fact is, we do not need solar. With magnetic repulsion we could provide free electricity to the world with no concern for fossil fuel, but it is not going to happen as money interests and power interests will keep these technologies from going public. We already have clean energies that we are not using. But, yes, I believe that the practices of people often are harmful to the planet like acid rain, carcinogens and chemical farming and other things people do. I'm not going to pretend these things don't happen.

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 28 May, 2024 05:01 AM

Who is asking you to pretend things don’t happen?

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 28 May, 2024 05:36 AM

First, you isolate the same portion of scripture away from its original context that Climate Change hoaxers quote. But you randomly quote it out of thin air but do not bother to explain why you quoted it.

Then you say “who cares” about the earth being destroyed because a new earth is coming. After that, you complain about Biden’s bad politics.

All you’ve done is list a few disconnected thoughts. But worse than that, you continue with what appears to be a hermeneutical skepticism.

So, I ask

1. Do you believe the man-made climate change is not a hoax?

2. Do you believe any interpretation of scripture is just as valid as any other interpretation?

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 28 May, 2024 05:52 AM

I believe you are a hoax.

But it really does not matter what I believe.

I expect from you the things I expect from you. So, I expect that you will do what you do. It matters not. We just try for civil conversation, and we don't get them. Same old, same old. It seems automatic. Friction! Friction!

There is too much inclination to snotty remarks.

My words are clear enough.

The Bible is clear enough (for the most part).

I don't need to repeat what I've already said. Sorry to offend you by replying to your post.

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If you have the money, create your own “science”‼️‼️
Posted : 28 May, 2024 06:14 AM

I do believe that people damage the planet.

I do believe that we are to take care of the planet.

I do not believe that the Democrats who preach "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" are doing anything to help the planet in any way through any of their policies. I do not believe that Joe Biden is helping the planet by any of his policies. I do not believe he helped the planet in blowing up the Russian pipeline which I suspect he ordered. I do not believe that Biden is helping the planet by funding war in Ukraine. People fly their million dollar jets, then are concerned about cows belching CO2 and want everybody else to walk. So, there is a lot of hypocrisy going on with those concerned with global warming and those concerned with climate change. It is all hypocrisy! Some promote ethanol. It takes as much energy to produce ethanol as the energy we get from ethanol so the being green idea is canceled out. And many things are like that. It is all phooey! But yes, people do damage the planet. The planet can heal itself when given a chance, but people do have destructive practices. So, better to be like Larry Norman in his words. "The world is not my home. I'm just passing through."

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