Author Thread: To debate or not to debate, that is the question

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 7 May, 2024 02:37 PM

To debate or not to debate.

Proverbs 26:4

Do not answer a fool according to his folly,

or you yourself will be like him.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly,

lest he become wise in his own eyes.

Is this a contradiction ⁉️⁉️⁉️

Throughout my life, I’ve encountered lots silly arguments put forth from some very silly people. Over time, it became clear that some people are just plain beyond the reach of reasonableness.

Friends would try to discourage me from discussing with fools because discussing with fools might make me sound just like a fool. Some people would even quote the first half of the verse from Proverbs quoted above but it seemed they would conveniently skip the last half of that verse‼️‼️ AND that REALLY puzzled me. Why is everyone afraid of, or why do people ignore the last half⁉️ So I began to wonder what the second half really meant, as well as, WHAT really did the first half mean⁉️⁉️

So I considered debates in the Bible. Seemed like a lot of prophets and even Jesus himself debated with fools. I was sure Jesus, the Apostles and the Prophets were not in violation of the wisdom from Proverbs. But I couldn’t understand how to explain how they conducted themselves in such debates.

I saw how often Jesus silenced the silly questions and objections presented to him by fools. He didn’t argue according to the fool’s own folly, instead he helped the fools realize that they were not wise in their own eyes. Even though the fools were silenced, not many of the fools were won over.

Still working on that one. Anyone wanna chime in?

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 7 May, 2024 10:10 PM

It is a paradox. Share the wisdom!

Everyone engages in folly.

Everyone on this site knows that they are engaging in folly.

Everyone upon these blogs knows that we are engaging in folly.

We are bored, unfulfilled creatures here longing for something to do. This is one way we pass our time. Even reading the Bible as much as we do, is another of folly. We must be doers of the Word and not readers only.

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 7 May, 2024 10:46 PM

"Some people would even quote the first half of the verse from Proverbs... but it seemed they would conveniently skip the last half of that verse"

Reminds me of Proverbs 31.

Many post of being a Proverbs 31 woman. Is that Proverbs 31:3 or Proverbs 31:12.

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 7 May, 2024 10:48 PM

Life is one form of folly or another.

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 9 May, 2024 05:59 AM

Kinda like it says in the book of Ecclesiastes

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 9 May, 2024 07:03 AM


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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 9 May, 2024 07:12 AM

Half the women here who view themselves as Proverbs 31 women and write that in their profiles are divorced women. Seems they missed the Proverbs 31:12 part. Then they're looking for another man.

But all folks are welcome here, and I do not wish to be too critical.

Everyone has a right to be on this site. And we all have a right to be selective.

The blogs are where we hash out some of our differences while we lack the notes in our inboxes. Like some chit chat at church while enjoying some refreshments or an adult Sunday School class or men's group or women's group. So, we give out our opinions.

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To debate or not to debate, that is the question
Posted : 9 May, 2024 08:00 AM

Some women claim they are Proverbs 31 women but only if their man does what they want‼️‼️Hopefully they won’t meet a man with the same attitude ‼️‼️‼️

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