Author Thread: The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Photo

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The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Photo
Posted : 15 Sep, 2012 04:54 AM

Hello everyone, Robert here.

In the latest from NASA-JPL my employer, in the Hubble Space Telescope Ultra Deep Field photo, JPL-Exo Planet Lab postulated that in that remarkable photo, from here on Earth, out to the end of that photo which is 14,300,000,000 billion light years distant from us, there are 100,000,000,000,000 (trillion) advanced civilizations at our level of development or beyond. And, with the photos from the Enderii Grandi star system, about 28 light years distant, there are two planets in the system that are class M planets like Earth and could support life.

This brings to question when the Lord said in answer to Jeremiah's question of "are we alone?", and the Lord said, "I have sheep not of this there others? Too, there is a concept that has been and is being studied that we seem to be planted here, 4.6 billion years ago. This is so in that our DNA genome strand is of a trace source, not of planet Earth.

Comments welcome.


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The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Photo
Posted : 27 May, 2014 12:52 AM

Well, as a disciple of Christ and not the Church of Science and Progress, I don't really follow the speculations of humanist "scientists",*ahem* priests. On the other hand, I have some background with mythology and archeology and there is strong evidence that the seed of the fallen angels already came from the stars. In the word, it speaks of God judging the stars for moving from their place and a third of the stars were cast down with Satan (the Dragon). The Sumarians, Greeks , Hopis and many other peoples speak in their legends of their gods and ancestors coming from the sky , the heavens, or the stars :angeldevil: As odd as it may seem though, its clear from the Word as well with mythology that this little, insignificant planet is the main focus of cosmic attention.

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