Author Thread: Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world

Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 21 Nov, 2008 04:42 PM

New to this site. Not new to the dating world though. Having a difficult time trying to connect with a match. I advice others to be patient and wait for God, however being human can make one a little skeptical at times. I am as everyone else, aging and getting a bit nervous. I begin to lose my edge and sometime my self esteem begins to dwindle a tad at times too. I am embarassed to admit it, but, I am afraid at times, as I am human. To grow old alone that is. I meet men who say, I am too tall, or too short, too old, too young, they would prefer brown hair over blonde, blue eyes over hazel, better educated, too educated, too independant, not independant enough, want children, can 't give you any, live to far away, live too close, and the list goes on. I knocked on God's door a few times "He's" been quite busy these days. The good news is, I keep going back and knocking. I'm not giving up! "He'll" eventually answer.

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 22 Nov, 2008 08:35 AM

We serve a truly amazing God! He could have made you even more beautiful, He could have made you a master scholar, He could have made you rich beyond your wildest dreams, He could have given you the voice of an angel, and had you achieve fame beyond hope, but He, in His infinite wisdom, made you as you are. The fact is, in Gods eyes, you are perfect the way you are, flaws, doubts, and all. Now, if the Most High God thinks you are perfect, what difference does it make what man thinks? Maybe we are the ones who are lacking, not you.

God's favor in your search,


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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 24 Nov, 2008 03:53 PM

I have been on a long journey since ending a disasterous non christian relationship. I could have saved myself from this just by listening to God. I need intense God healing and I think I am just about there now.... god really does have mercy and I thank you Lord.....I have a new beginning :applause:

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 25 Nov, 2008 09:29 AM

I am male and 45 years old. New to this site and to the dating world though. I have come out of a 19 year narrage where my "Christian" wife went off with another guy. She has caused me hassal throughout the divorce which i got on 19 Nov 08 after 12 months. I never thought I would need to date again but I live with my elderly mother and although I see my children I am ever so lonely. a little skeptical at times. I am as everyone else, aging and get a bit nervous. I am afraid of failure and worried I am to fat, to old, to ugly etc.and my self esteem begins to dwindle . I am embarassed to admit it, but, I am afraid at times, as I am human. To grow old alone. I also worry that as I have never kissed or cuddled a woman in 18 months the first one I meet I will want to get in bed with even knowing it is not Gods will the whole thing scares me HELP:waving: I hope i havent sent you to sleep:zzzz:

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 25 Nov, 2008 02:48 PM

You certainly didn't put me to sleep. You have the common problem we all have. Letting go and letting God. We are all nervous and bewildered really at what life throws at us. Divorce, death, lateral change. Of course we change physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. All made from one creator, and all, in "His" image. Do not allow the devil to sneak in. There is no room when you fill yourself with the Lord. Life is difficult and change must certainly occurr. Not to our specifications but to "His". The whole thing being you don't need to start over. You just need to continue on and then the load doesn't seem so heavy. I believe that once we get out of ourselves and help others we catch a closer glimpse of Heaven. This is just a new chapter in your life. Embrace it with all your questions and skepticism. WE are human and feel and express emotion. Bring it to the "Father" for he is there to take your pain away. It's ok to feel afraid, but talk to the "Father". Give him your sadness and fear. "He" will turn it around and in a most pleasing and delightful way. You are not alone. Try to get out of yourself though. As for your feeling of being with a woman again. When the time comes and with great thought and prayer, I believe you will handle this in a manner both pleasing to both you and your "Father". This will be one of your greatest rewards. You will see. I say that this new chapter in your book is worth writing. Life is an adventure. Enjoy the ride. God will bless you always and keep you in "His" care. You must trust in "Him". My heart,full of joy and prayer for you. Enjoy the beauty of life. Your sister and friend in Christ. M

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 25 Nov, 2008 05:19 PM

Dear Leon

That is so true what you wrote.

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 2 Dec, 2008 08:55 PM

Kllmartin- Leon.... Thank you my brother in Christ for your kind words in response to my forum talk. Your kindness and return comments are very much appreciated. A prayer of thanks witll be said in thanks for you. Sincerely, M

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 5 Dec, 2008 06:01 PM

Well sister, indeed we are surrounded by angels. God never sleeps and He shall never grow tired of waiting on us to continue our waiting on Him.

In this world, I can't say I've found my rib however, I can say that I gave the desires of my heart as a sacrifice to God. In presenting my desires to Him, He has done something in me by bringing into my life a contentment, peace, and sense of purpose beyond my understanding. Paradoxically, in surrendering all to Him I feel as if He has exponentially prepared me and continues to prepare me to receive that which I have surrendered, namely, my bride. Even in my contentment of possibly being alone in this world, I sense that my surrender was exactly what He was waiting for that He may make me sensitive enough to His leadings that not only can He use this vessel that I am in new ways but also sensitive enough that perhaps finally I'll be able to recognize her when I see her. That I may declare, there she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.

God too if we all surrender and lay down our lives will be able to declare "there SHE is SPIRIT OF MY SPIRIT AND HEART OF MY HEART."

I pray this is so, for if God is content, then we all will be.

Be strong and of good courage my sister, I am your brother and servant in He who died that He may obtain His Bride.


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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 6 Dec, 2008 12:17 PM

Robert thank you for your thoughts and kindness regarding my note. I said a prayer of thanks for you in appreciation for your true compassion and care for your fellow human being. I am also happy to read in your words your wonderful love and connnection you have with God. I pray that one day soon, my heart will be filled and blessed which such contentment in my spirit as you have. You are my friend and brother in Christ, thank you. M

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Feeling Rather Discouraged in the dating world
Posted : 25 Jan, 2009 11:21 PM

Thank you too for the blessings and encouragement my angelic sister. I shall pray that the Lord leads you into the Rest of God spoken of in Hebrews. May you sit at His feet, for this shall in no wise be taken from you.


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