Author Thread: Who are you...?

Who are you...?
Posted : 12 Nov, 2008 04:31 PM

Do you notice that God's people are being pulled closer and closer to Him, but are also going through some tough times in their physical and emotional lives? I think it is a sign of the times we are living in now. Satan is trying to get us to pull away, but God is telling us that He will always be there for us. This has always been going on, but it seems to be intensifying. As we come to the end of this age, it will get worse and worse.

The good news is that we know how it will all end! We are already on the winning team, we just have to stay off that injured reserve list! We need to SPEAK the words of our faith. Proclaim them, preach them, believe them, and most important, LIVE them!

I am the head and not the tail, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, I am the son of the Most High God, if God is for me, who can be against me.....these are some examples of why Satan wants me out of the way. If I am in Christ and He is in me, nothing can stand in the Way. No weapon formed shall prosper against me. That is who I am, who are you?

Declaring my place in this world,


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Who are you...?
Posted : 13 Nov, 2008 06:44 PM

Brother Leon,

Well put! As always, you articulate GOD'S VOICE quite succintly within your own. Who you live for and the words of life that you stand upon come through as loud as a bell.

Awesome, indeed! You have REAL FAITH and know REAL TRUTH!!!

I see no imposture in you. You are strong in faith, well

versed in God's Wod, and may you continue to be a

postive influence in this world just as much as you

are here on this site. Your faith is contagious so keep

spreading it around in the distinct ways GOD has gifted you to!

There is MIGHTY POWER in GOD'S WORD just waiting to surface and fulfill its DIVINE purpose when you DECLARE

them out LOUD and in FAITH stand courageously tall and keenly confident on what will be done on this Earth as it's

already beautifully and blessedly CREATED in Heaven.

GOD'S WORD is TRUTH! It's the SEED from which all good

and great things grow! It's the LIGHT by which we see! HIS WORD is everlasting, unfailing, always righteous, omnipotently powerful and infinitely revealing! It's the MANNA that we need to ingest every day of our lives! It's

our breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It's our mid-morning snack, our afternoon snack, our dessert, and most definitely our 3 AM munchie call when the HOLY SPIRIT wakes our souls for a special nugget of early morning WISDOM! GOD'S WORD needs your TIME, your ATTENTION, your HEART, your LOVE, your RESPECT, and most importantly your OBEDIENCE!

Thanks for the BOOST Leon!


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Who are you...?
Posted : 25 Nov, 2008 01:57 PM


I dont usually blog however, I felt the unctioning of the holy spirit to reply to your post. Therefore I must obey. In your reply to who are you ... you stole the exact words I would have declared; to you !! I am referring to your fine line of mastermining the descriptive words and grammer. To combine the foundations of Gods Word both uplifting ,edifying and FULL of Knowledge. The prophetic gift inside of me was stirred as I read your statement on this post and others. I feel led of God to suggest you obey the Lord and pursue your calling and write for him. This hurting world needs someone who can articulate Gods Mind So Discriptively and put it to use in their hurting lives. I believe with your gift you will be campared to that of the great king David in the Psalms need I say more ? ......... What an honor to be used of God in this way !! Let me first remind you of the messenger of satan used to buffet Paul: This was used by God to break his pride enough to keep him humble to finish the race or his divine calling for the will of God. So, I would say to you : Stay grounded in his word...stay humble..serving any way you can..and dream big.. reaching out from the depths of your soul and grab ahold of that inner child-like faith and joy .. and move mountains for Jesus ...thus your calling ... and Gods will for your life !!

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