Author Thread: God in Schools?

God in Schools?
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 09:14 AM

God in Schools?

Serious issues to consider

Other than audible prayer? Who would lead prayer?

Christians can pray without bowing their heads or closing their eyes

Teaching God in Schools: Who would teach? Must be qualified; what would be taught? Theology would have to be implemented. An unbeliever cannot teach God�s Word

God�s Word is for believers only

The Bible is to be taught in the local church

Division of other beliefs and faiths

If students want to have Bible studies or prayer groups, there are alternative places. Why does it have to be on school property?

Does God really care? NO

Jesus said, �let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works�

Posting the 10 Commandments in Schools, or obeying them does not and cannot save a person. Those are works, and no one can be justified by works. Keeping them and obeying them gives one a false sense of salvation. Moral law does not save anyone. Example: Rich young ruler. Luke 18:18-23. Paul stated in Romans that no one can keep the law fully. The Law was for Israel only and they pointed to Christ. There were over 300 laws given to Israel. They had to follow all of them, not just the 10 moral laws. You cannot pick and choose!!

Facts: God is sovereign and cannot be taken out of anything

Joseph was a silent witness, the king saw that God was with him

Jesus and the apostles never attempted to change the act of government or its system

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God in Schools?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2010 02:35 PM

Very Very Good Post!

I like the idea of God in schools, but it's a different world now. We have children from all other countries, and all different faiths. As christians we should treat them fairly, equally, and with respect. If teachers made time for the study of all religions and faiths, how would they have time to teach anything else? I AM Christian, but when I say this people get mad! I have tried to teach my kids to respect other cultures and faiths, but some criticize me for this! I always tell about my faith when asked. It's a difficult thing.

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