Author Thread: My Testimony out of Legalsim and another Gospel

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My Testimony out of Legalsim and another Gospel
Posted : 21 Oct, 2010 11:32 AM

My 2009 testimony

The year of 2009 was filled with rejection, persecuting other Christian believers that believed in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, finding GOD and truth in the bible, being persecuted, and rebuilding my Spirit man.

From February to December of 2009, I went to an Apostolic One GOD Jesus Named church called Church On The Rock in Anderson Ca. The pastor of that church Ron Green preached very enthusiastic messages from the bible. He always at the end of his message preached his doctrine of holy standards like no TV, woman have to wear long dresses, and not pants, men had to wear long sleeve shirts and no shorts, no beards, and things of that nature. A lot of times he condemned the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (One God in three distinct separate persons) and that you can�t fellowship with them because it�s a false doctrine. I got his spirit and I started condemning my parents, friends, and Little Country Church�s pastor Bryon Blank to hell because of believing in the doctrine of the Trinity. Pastor Green also said that if everyone that isn�t water baptized in Jesus�s name and speak in tongues will go to hell because he believes for you sins to be forgiven you have to be water baptized and for you to be born again of the spirit of GOD you have to speak in tongues like the early church did in the book of Acts. I got that spirit and said that to my parents, friends, and some acquaintances.

One night I couldn�t sleep so I read the bible out loud to myself. I read scriptures such as Isaiah 43:10-11, 44:8, 45:5, and John 4:24. My step dad Gene Oberst and my mom came to me. She said to me �Daniel I lost you and your in a cult and your reading your bible out loud in your car in the middle of the night and I�m sorry but I�ve lost your.� One Sunday night Ron Green�s son Justin Green was preaching against today�s entertainment and about the rich man in the bible. I went home after I checked on my application at Red Robin and I preached against my mom watching television and she cursed me out and tried to hit me a few times and she kicked me out of her house for 24 hours. She accepted me back home because I wasn�t doing any drugs I was just being very religious. One afternoon I called my friend Kyle and his friend Nate Praytor answered the phone and I was reading Acts 2:38, 4:12, 8:16, and 10:48. Then I started preaching how he better get water baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of his sins or he�s going to go to hell and that he got water baptized wrong in the titles of the trinity Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Nate said� that I was in a cult and that I�m a heretic.

On the first Wednesday of December in 2009 I went with my mom to a bible study at Christian Life Center by Best Buy in Redding Ca. It was pretty interesting that the pastor there was teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit just like my pastor at Church On The Rock was on Tuesday nights. First of all my mom wanted me to go with her there since the pastor there banks at Wells Fargo where my mother works. I went on the soul intent to prove the Oneness doctrine right over the Trinity doctrine and to prove to be saved you have to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and speak in other tongues like what it says in the bible in Acts 2:38. After that service I spoke with the pastor there David Davis and had a one on one debate with my mother present in his office. Pastor Davis really spoke conviction into my heart through the power of the Holy Spirit when he said� If water baptism is for the remission of sins and your struggling to keep their holy standards and you get in a car accident on your way home you will go to hell of that belief because you would have to be water baptized again and that is a abomination doctrine and you go tell your pastor that he�s in a cult and what he teaches is heresy and you are in bondage and so is the congregation there.� When I got home I felt so much conviction in my heart. I emailed my elder�s wife Rhonda Baker about struggling to keep their holy standards and she told me I just need to find a alter and repent and I got so much confusion inside of my mind. Then I called my 48 year old friend Dave Hancock who invited me to Church On The Rock in the first place and I spoke with him upon this matter on what happened at the bible study and he told me �Daniel your driving me crazy what you need to do is get out that strong concordance and your King James bible and reference every scripture in the New Testament on the word Saved. After I read all those scriptures concerning the matter I got a revelation that I was dead wrong on that to be saved you have to be water baptized in the name of Jesus and speak in tongues to be saved and I knew one would just have to cry out to Jesus in prayer with a sincere heart and accept Jesus in their heart as their personal Lord and Savior. That Thursday day night I turned my radio on KLOVE Christian radio station and I cried out to Jesus with a very sincere heart for persecuting so many Christians and my parents. I was in so many tears and I heard songs like your forgiven. Then Dave Called me and I told him what just happened and he said� Daniel its not your fault and he said you got deceived and what have I been telling you all along the love of the truth will set you free and by the tone of your voice I know that you have demons off your back now.� The next thing I did was apologized to my parents and explained to them what happened and all the Christians I persecuted.

Then I told this revelation to my friend Raul who was my best friend at Church On The Rock and he said� Daniel stop beating around the bush and just tell me like it is� and after that I reasoned with him and after that we haven�t talked since. Then I spoke to Pastor Green at his work place about the revelation I got and he said� you didn�t get no revelation your doctrine is keep sinning since your saved by grace and he says the bible says shall we continue in sin that grace shall abound God forbid.� I said� no that is not my doctrine and another thing I couldn�t believe was what you did to David�s daughter because she had pants she couldn�t go the youth fellowship event and he said �the bible says if a woman dresses like a man it�s a abomination.� I told him �the bible says those under the law are fallen from grace and its about the heart not what you wear and Jesus says don�t worry about what your going to wear and he said show me and I told him I could look it up and he said no.� Then I challenged him on his tongues theory and he says� go purchase my cd it explains it and I told him what if that doesn�t line up with scripture then he says come back next year no a few years then he just said don�t bother coming back to my church cause I�ll just confuse you. As I went out of his office it felt like he ripped my heart out of my chest. Then I tried to get reconciled with Rachel Kuhn the Christian leader of Intervarsity at Shasta College by sending her an email and she didn�t respond so that wiped my dream out of teaching bible studies there. Then I tried to get reconciled with the college group through Little Country Church and they forgave me but told me I wasn�t a good fit for them anymore. After getting kicked out at Church On The Rock and being rejected from Intervarsity and the College Group through Little Country Church it felt like my heart died almost but thanks be to my God Jesus Christ by giving me the infilling of his Spirit I was okay but it did bother me a lot.

I started watching a show on the 3abn channel called Give Me The Bible by Pastor Cox and it was really good I listened to sermons about the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, about who he is, about being born again and etc. I also watched my favorite television evangelist John Hagee and that was a treat for my spirit man. Then I�d watch a lot of youtube videos on the show called The Way Of The Master by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. I also read some Christian novels called The Prodigal GOD and Living The Cross Centered Life. I also filled my spirit by reading the Gospels of Jesus Christ in the bible and the letters to the churches by Apostle Paul. Finally I did a study in my bible by referencing every scripture in the bible on doctrine and doctrines to compare the doctrine and doctrines of Jesus Christ to the very religious leaders. All of that really filled me up in my spirit

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My Testimony out of Legalsim and another Gospel
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 10:40 AM

so you are a trinitarian again?

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