Author Thread: BEWARE LADIES! I was duped.

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BEWARE LADIES! I was duped.
Posted : 1 Aug, 2010 11:24 AM

I reported him and his profile is gone now.

Have any others been in contact with hatfieldmartin?

I didn't send any money and I was being VERY careful from the beginning. What makes me angry is that God firmly told me one morning that this guy is not who he says he is. When God speaks to me, I listen. It isn't a booming voice, it is in my spirit, in my head, it is my own voice, but it is definitive that it is God. So, I was kind of freaking out thinking about all the possibilities. BUT, when I heard from him again, he was apologetic for not being online when he said he would, and I just fell right back into it. I was guarded and cautious and took notice of things that seemed odd, but I, for God only knows, what reason, justified them. Looking back now, there are even more things I missed. I wouldn't have sent money if he asked. It didn't get that far, though we chatted for three weeks, but when I started telling "him" how stressed I was about my financial situation, the chat ended & have not heard from him since. I purposely don't mention my financial issues, though not much different than anyone else's these days, because I never want a guy to think that I am going to ask him for money!!! So, lesson learned. I listened to God, but did not follow through. I actually chalked up my freaking out to hormones! LOL and that it wasn't God I heard. But I knew it was then, and I know it is now. Lots of lessons learned through this experience. BE CAREFUL!

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BEWARE LADIES! I was duped.
Posted : 1 Aug, 2010 05:19 PM

Your lesson is learned, makes it all worth it. Thanks 4 the warning.

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BEWARE LADIES! I was duped.
Posted : 11 Aug, 2010 04:09 PM

I don't mean to say that GOD didn't speak to you. It is possible the guy wasn't who he said he was, but as a guy I do need to say this. If I am talking to a woman on here and she starts talking about finances I would think I am being duped and would probably walk away too. As a guy this is a red flag for me. A lot of these sites are chuck full of scammers that prey on lonely guys looking for love. Is it possible he might be thinking the same thing about you? This is just my humble opinion, please don�t take offence to it. God Bless....


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BEWARE LADIES! I was duped.
Posted : 23 Aug, 2010 05:52 PM

It can happen to men or women. There are scammers posing as either sex.

I had one that would send me scriptures every morning. But, he asked for money within a week. I ended up calling the number for the business he said he owned and was told by that man that the scammer had stolen his identity right off of his profile on the site. Left me confused as to was it the real one or not?

Yes, we must be careful!

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