Speak Out!
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 05:55 PM
Hi, everyone. Stay blessed in the Lord. In this post I would like to respond to some of the posts I have read here on CDFF. Let me talk for a moment in love, please understand that many of the problems plaguing women in the church and of the world are directly related to the men in their lives who don't know how to love. Don't be offended; I know how it feels. I was right there until God intervened. Once I recognized my problems, accepted responsibility for my sins, offenses, and mistakes, then repented, and gave them all to God, He broke their grip on my life. They lost the power to contaminate my future.
The greatest power a man possesses is a manly love that comes from God. It can spark maturity in a boy and launch him into manhood. It can also envelop a little girl in a unconditional love and security that begins her rapid transformation from being a little girl to becoming a mature woman. This same love can touch an entire generation and raise it up in God's purposes.
What am I saying here? First post response: �I'm going to say� If you are in Christ, it does not mean that your hormones are dead. If a man is living as he should in the sight of God, his hormonal balance is better than most. He just refuses to let hormones drive his car because he has a much longer and more important want list than the single line on a page most men carry! Some men spend enough time in church to learn church lingo to run a really good scam. Don't trust your destiny and future happiness to just an outward appearance. When single, don't get hooked up with some guy who quickly nods and says, �Yeah, I'm saved, I'm a Christian,� but can't tell you what he was saved from. If he cannot explain why or his plan for salvation, you just nod past the pretender, and say NEXT! Yes, where ever the sheep are, you will find wolves. Many of us use the �Samuel Method� when looking for a mate. We need to forget the standard of outward appearance. I don't care how fine he or she may look; we need to examine the contents of the package with a spiritual x-ray. Especially when it comes down to someone claiming to be Christian.
Second post response: �Study on Why do people fear marriage� The biggest fear concerning marriage is that nobody has enough common sense to fear God. If we knew there were consequences, and actually enforced the OT penalties for infidelity, people wouldn't be fornicating as they do now. We live in a backward society that calls good evil and evil good. The church is filled with people who surround themselves with defensive walls and pretend personalities. Why? They fear the day someone actually discover who they really are and how they really feel. Marriage is God's idea, In fact marriage is ministry. Nobody wants to work to keep a marriage strong, but we will break our necks to do it the world's way. I could continue.
According to the Apostle Paul, there are three types of people in this world, and they are: (1) natural men and women (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:14). These men and women have not accepted Christ as their personal Savior and, thus, remain citizens of the physical world where they are dead in trespasses and sins. This deadness makes them unable to receive or understand the revelations of God that disclose the effects of His Grace and the importance of His Son. Finally, temporal possessions and worldly notoriety and recognition bind them, for they are self-centered people.
Then there are (2) carnal men and women (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:1-3). These men and women have accepted Christ as their personal Savior, but they remain self-centered. They are �unnatural� men and women, for they are neither �natural� nor �spiritual.� Consequently, they cater to their flesh, because they neither have allowed the Holy Spirit within them to fill them, nor have they allowed Him to illuminate God�s revelations for them. That is why these carnal men and women live defeated lives (have �unnecessary� ups and downs in their Christian experiences). Moreover, they cannot eat meat (take in the deeper more spiritual Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge of God), because they are not allowing the Holy Spirit to teach, direct and empower them. Instead, they are trusting in their own �flesh� (human nature) for the help they need to live a Christian life.
Lastly, there are (3) spiritual men and women (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:15-16). These men and women have accepted Christ as their personal Savior and, thus, have become born again, saved, Christ-centered, and Holy Spirit-filled believers. These men and women are being taught, directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit who not only makes it possible for these individuals to receive and comprehend God�s revelations but also helps them to discern (to perceive wisely and to apply appropriately) the revelations of God.
Speak Out, Which are you? AMEN.
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