I've gotta say it's greatly encouraging to meet so many of you who DO believe in the sanctity of marriage & who try (even struggling) to honor God with your sexuality.
I am quite surprised though that even so many well-educated still don't seem to comprehend how superficial the sexual appetite is. It isn't even as essential to human need as food (i just lost the men for sure:zzzz:).
Sex has a place. We don't need it to live. We need it to procreate. The pleasure part with drive & foreplay & attractions of all kinds is primal in nature & all meant to make sure that men continue seeking a partner and continue to occupy & dominate the planet.
Our society has made sex into an object of happiness that detracts from our TRUE source of JOY.
I want to give GRAND congratulations & high honor to the men of God who honor God in all their relationships and are careful to watch for the side issues that disturb the deeper abiding love that is meant to hold a relationship together when their personal "needs" aren't being met. These are the mature men that God has prepared to be more than just pleasure-toys for women. They are MEN of GOD who want the relationship, not just the "fix". They honor woman as treasures & understand their value. Those are the men we want to marry & fulfill in every way God wants us to.
I can't speak for all women b/c they are so very unique. But-
As a woman, I am gentle & loving & respectful of men. The truth is I would NOT have a problem serving a man who submits to God in EVERY way & honors ALL women by keeping himself faithful in EVERY point. I lose respect for a man who feels like he has any "rights" to a woman or her sexuality even in marriage b/c even after marriage, husbands are expected Biblically to "honor" their wives. This has SOOO much more to do with the relationship than just sex.
Sex is ONE of the many ways that we express our love & commitment to someone. We need to remember that there are MANY other issues that can make or break the relationship that I think single people need to make more of a priority above chemistry. chemistry is simple b/c it's natural. so-if you don't connect with someone, either blame it on your hormones or depression or anxiety or diet -b/c a lot of your natural/physical/emotional responses are connected right there. Or -if you can't seem to make a deeper connection even when you have gotten to know someone a little better -just accept them as they are without demanding pleasure & be friends. who says you only need to find friends who fulfill your every need? God orchestrates relationships & even if you won't have children with him/her someday doesn't make the opportunity to connect with them meaningless.
I REALLY think we need a brand new education on how to look at people -believers and unbelievers the way God does. B/c we don't show any evidence of having a clue about these things -or just don't have enuf faith to practice it.
Ya'all are the best. Keep on yielding to God & watching Him satisfy your deepest desires and the greatest longings of your heart (and may they all bring Him glory!)
The truth is that i have a conservative thought and i believe in make love until marriage, so im very careful with myself and im caring me for my future husband :P :applause::applause:
That�s was my mom taught me: She always told me: Yoshua : Never let anyone touch you up or down unless your husband.
congratulations! saving yoursleelf is a VERY hard thing to do. I'm no saint & believe strongly that it is not within our power to hold ourselves. I'm sure some can for a little while, but I mean for years on & on & on with no guarantee of a time to let loose. I know my struggle isn't being "good" for awhile -it's not knowing if/when there's an end. we tend to get antsy in romantic episodes.
I don't imply that we are "loose", but what I mean is that....well, my experience has been that it's awful hard to keep pure when you are especially in love with someone & all the heartstrings have been played like a harp & it "feels so right" & both of you are faithful ----etc....it gets sticky there & we tend to grab our gray crayons and color over those adamant boundaries that were so easy to enforce before we were "sure" about each other or the relationship.
IT'S HARD, I"M TELLIN YA!!!!!!!!! Then, I remember Jesus said, "without ME, you can do NOTHING." I HAVE to learn full dependence on the Holy Spirit & I HAVE to do that also TOGETHER with whomever I date. We need to be protecting each other's honor & relationship with God. -cuz when they go, so does the holy relationship.
Find strength in Him & you will remain faithful. Go Girl!
Thanks, Danalynn. I took a peek, but will read more later. I do have a different of dating though b/c I don't get involved in it as a way of "cheating". I read the main points of "i kissed dating goodbye" and "i gave dating a chance". i glean a lot from each perspective & decided that there is a healthy balance with "boundaries". I learned from experience & reading & my own relationship & prayer life with God that there is an order that God has for His people & there are different books with different views b/c you can't sum people & their individuality up in just one perspective. Besides GOD chooses our road for us & our crosses are also unique. We need to keep the Word of God central for general truth & still allow the Holy Spirit the abiding rights to walk with each & show them the Father in the way they learn it.
Those of us who feel & are different from the status quo Joe or the typical woman KNOW that we do not respond in all like manner as everyone should & are not shaped to walk a path that God chooses for someone else. There is basic information that everyone needs to source good judgment, but there are NOT exact answers for global use. I wouldn't tell someone to date or not - I just share what I've learned & keep us focused on the primary goal. LOVE -which is more of a goal than a practice for some.
I liked your quotes especially the first. Here's one that I adopted in college & have lived by:
If I settle for less than God's very best, then what I have to give to God is less than what He's worthy of.
It's REALLY painful sometimes, but the older I get the more adamant I am about only being the RIGHT one b/c I can't imagine having going through all of this & waiting this long for 2nd best. I just REFUSE to sell out b/c I know the "cost of the oil in my alabaster box". Know what i mean?
i can say im very proud of you girls,you are trully gifts from God,the sexual appetite is horrific,i at least speak on about how it affects girls,but for us men,its a true battle,but a battle that can be controlled,i get sick and tired of hearing the general public,on this kind of matter,and if you fdont go with the flow,some how your an outcast.so if you lost men that read this post,then its a good start,you lost the right ones.me i hear you and walk with you on this sister.all you girls that feel the same God Bless each and everyone of you.
sex is to be between to people that are deeply inlove,other wise its meaningless,its a great gift from God.