Author Thread: Open to date outside of race

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 24 Apr, 2010 07:47 PM

God bless u. I have a few questions. I happend to be a christian who don't mind dating outside my race as long as u love the Lord. The only problem is no other race will approach me, are they afraid? I ride the METRA train weekly to work and I'm surrounded by diffrent races surely some one would want to approach me? I prefer to be approached. Sometimes I give them a smile and some of them return it and that's the futherest it goes. I also live in a mixed neighborhood, I'm a homowner and still no approaches. What could be the problem?

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 24 Apr, 2010 09:51 PM

Hey Saved,

Of course the answer to your question is as varied as there are individuals in the world, but I can think of one or two off hand.

We could go on and on about the shortage of black men and the 'why' that is, but just suffice it to say there is one. One reason for the shortage (to us black women) is that black men have broadened their horizons and are dating and marrying white women and other races as well. It would only make sense that we should broaden our horizons as well.

From my limited experience and statistically, you don't see black women with other races as much. In my opinion, it boils down to physical attraction, preference and the man's perception of his chance of success if he initiates contact.

I honestly get the most attention from black, Hispanic and older white men. I think it has something to do with my being big-boned(not small or petite), so I attract men who like voluptuous women.

There is nothing wrong. God will give you what you ask for in faith. I always imagined in my mind a black man (because I am) but, at this point I don't care what race the man God has for me is. Just want him to have some integrity, be healthy in his thinking and above all, love God with all his mind, body and soul, so that he is capable of loving me as Christ loves the church..

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 06:09 PM

My sons mother is white. I never thought that I will marry and soon divorce a white woman. God would put you in relationships that you cant imagine. On Judgement Day, God will look at each and every heart not the color of their skin. So dont let skin color or what people say scare you from dating people from outside your race. Open your heart to God and Let HIM speak to you. :prayingm: God will give the answers you seek. Besides, Barrack Obama's mother is white and daddy African. That didnt stop him from becoming our President.

God Bless :angel:

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 06:49 PM

Hello Saved..., I too, am open to dating whom ever as long as he is a single Christian. But unfortunately, the world is still hung up on how things appear. I am just continuing to be me and trusting God to send my mate. So hang in there!

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 07:45 PM

Thank u and God Bless U

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 07:47 PM

Thanks and God Bless U. You are right about our President.

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 07:48 PM

Thank U. I will hang in there. God Bless U my sister.

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 26 Apr, 2010 05:24 AM

Saved, may I ask a question?

You say that you are open to date other races. You say that you encourage them by smiling on the train on the way to work. Many other races live in your neighborhood and being a homeowner should attract them to you, but it's not. You are wondering what the problem is.

My question is, what is it that you really want? Your post implies that you have been with black men. Now you want to be with a white guy? Hispanic? Asian? Who are you smiling at on the train? Why are you actively trying to get with someone from another race? I am not making a judgment, just curious. I hope you don't mind answering since you opened the subject for discussion.

I contacted a (just happened to be black) guy here on this site when I first came on. He was from Indianapolis and I was excited about that. Everyone I was slightly interested in always live far away. I sent a friendly email, just to make contact. He replied very politely and told me he is specifically looking for white women, but thanked me for my interest.

For the record, I am not racist. I dated a white guy during college, and how about 6 months ago I met and was taking to an Iranian from another site. I am of Irish and Indian (Cherokee) descent, I have no problem with race. Whoever God blesses me with, believe me, his character and relationship with God will be of utmost importance to me. I am just curious as to why people look for a certain race to date, especially if it excludes the one you are from.

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 26 Apr, 2010 09:10 PM

friendship/dating/relationship - all these to me, involves the same scenario.

like how one party would prefer one race to others, or one nationality to others - i feel that everyday. but of course, there are some exceptional cases on and off - that was just generally speakin.

but as how one of you guys pointed out, yea, God work miracles (He could if He wanted to, and see that it's appropriate timing and everything for us to receive that gift from Him) across nations, races, and everything. :)

so, do not limit the possibilities cos our Dad above is much more than that :)

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 28 Apr, 2010 10:35 PM

I'm part black and white and agree.

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Open to date outside of race
Posted : 12 May, 2010 06:52 AM

we must remember their is only one race, Adam's race, the human race. All people are of one blood, God makes this clear. All that changes is the culture, upbringing and melanin levels.

sadly we started calling each other different races as evolutionary teaching spread, hence why so many taught that non whites and black people were inferior, they were a race that had evolved lower. I do not use that term of people, there is one race. I use the term people group or ethnic group, it is more biblical.

some people are affected by this mindset and think they should date inside their 'race', they can if they wish, really just a Christian who is Godly and that you like.

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