Author Thread: absolutely dumbfounded about this site

absolutely dumbfounded about this site
Posted : 14 Apr, 2010 07:44 AM

just getting me head around this internet biz as fairly new user,and thought chatrooms i understood,please tell me the purpose of this site and how it differs from chatrooms..... the way great site in general dating for free,i would get to know people more on chatrooms but im such a slow typer,by the time i've replied the sender may get fed up with the wait.

from dodger.

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absolutely dumbfounded about this site
Posted : 14 Apr, 2010 02:28 PM

What's up dodger? You just do like everybody else, press on stuff and find out where it goes and what it's purpose is. I think the set-up is excellent.

I was a part of a secular site before I knew there was separate Christian sites and they could all get some ideas from the way things are done here.

But it's not surprising. We are the heads and not the tails, we should be leaders in excellence.

I don't know about the chatrooms, that you're speaking of. I try the ones here, but I have the same problem. I can't keep up and I haven't learned the abbreviated language.

Have fun and enjoy. Glad to meet you. :waving:

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absolutely dumbfounded about this site
Posted : 14 Apr, 2010 08:03 PM

Hi Dodger! Welcome :waving:

Once you have your profile set up (don't forget a picture!) then you can click on "Basic Search" or "Advanced Search" links at the top of the page. Set your parameters (this is the same way you choose things in any Windows program - point and click, scroling down). There are different sections you can choose to narrow your criteria down. For instance, age,location, kids, etc. You don't have to fill out any of that -- you can go right to a search.

You found the Forums - good job. On here you can read what is going on with folks, talk to folks by posting a reply, or solicit replies by posting one of your own, just like you did for this one.

I have tried Live Chat here more than once and ...... for me I did not like it. It may work for others. You do have to type fast and keep up the pace, and when there are 10+ people in there.... that can be hard to do. But there are different rooms to choose from and when only a few members are there, it is easier to hold a conversation.

One thing about this site --- because it is free, there is no way to tell how old a profile is, or if it is even active anymore. So if you send a wink or message to someone and they don't reply -- don't despair. Just keep trying. God's blessing on your search!

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absolutely dumbfounded about this site
Posted : 15 Apr, 2010 02:15 AM

Thankyou very much for your reply,most appreciated GodsLamb.


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