Author Thread: what i learned today from "Breaking the covenant"

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what i learned today from "Breaking the covenant"
Posted : 26 Feb, 2010 10:58 AM

In Jerm. 34.

from verses 17 on, God explains what happens when they broke the covenant!

Same for us? Can we pick and choose what part of his word we believe and obey, adhere to or hold in our hearts?

He is A righteous God and watches over his word , because he is HOLY , he has to bring Judgment when we break the covenant .We cant go against the word of God once we know it , we are accountable to obey it once we know it, doing what he says .

Zedekiah broke his covenant he had made .He could of spared his sons, (chapter 37 I think?). Zedekiah choose to listen to some of what God said but, but ignored the other.

Verses Jerm. 34: 17 and on , tells us what God said about when we don't listen.

I learned something else's: We cant say we backslid... that's a easy word to comprehend , to easy for us to take this backsliding lightly... when we back slide , isn't it breaking our covenant? Aren't we really saying.. I choose not to listen to this part of the bible , because it is not convenient to me right now?

Well my friends, Our father made a covenant with us didn't he?! We made a covenant with him also.. when we ask him into our heart , he sealed us. He came after us and we said YES!

We cant pick and choose what we says to...!!! Otherwise we are breaking the covenant. Yes we will still sin... BUT now when we sin ,if we not convicted , don't we have to wonder why we can sin and not feel bad?

I'm not saying we wont sin..I'm saying if I deliberately disobey if I look at my salvation as a covenant with God , can I call it backslidden? OR do I call it covenant breaking?

If I know the counsel of God ( I do not know all of it yet) but from what I know so far , I cant deliberately ignore it and think that's okay by him.. Yes he loves me... but he is also Holy and he watches over his word to perform it.

To me that means.. he will make me accountable for what I know , because he loves me and he is Holy and he watches over his word to perform

In Matt. 27:51 the veil (curtain)was broken in two , so we can walk through the middle of it into his presence, Hebrews10:20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

What ever difficulties we have in life, if we walk through the middle of the veil into his presence, and we are his child , having recieved him , we can be sure that he keeps his promise and watches over HIS covenant to perform it. I can trust in that ! Therefore because I love him and belong to him I also do not pick and choose what word of his I obey and what one I conveniently ignore and let my flesh reign instead . I made a covenant with him when I accepted him and I cant take than lightly , Because he doesn't take his lightly... He can be trusted to perform it! So with his grace , shouldnt I be trusted to?

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