Author Thread: Turned off by this site...

Turned off by this site...
Posted : 19 Feb, 2010 08:15 PM


I have been a Christian all my life... Got real serious though one night on the battle field, yea really... You tend to pray in the true sense of the word when you don't know if your going to live through next hour... Well, I made a deal ( i'm still alive) and I'm keeping my end of my promise... but I'm finding it really hard to appreciate a lot of women who seem to be not religious but more fanatical, God is a very loving and forgiving and understanding being and I've noticed some women on here are as fanatical as some of the nut jobs we've been at war with for 2 decades now... they just call it being Christian... I'm venting because I read one profile that just put me over the top she said simply if you are a divorced man for what ever reason she is not interested because a re-married divorced man is committing adultery... huh? I don't get that, would someone please enlighten me on that one? Yea, I'm divorced, I was handed a piece of paper one day at work and shortly there after lost everything I've worked for my whole life including half of my military pension... It wasn't my choice, We never argued, I'm not a violent man, I don't even raise my voice, but during the marriage I was frequently deployed for a year at a time... She found someone else, whatever. So I'm being told by this person that I am forever committing a sin that was not of my control... how can I ask forgiveness for something I haven't done? basically, I took it as I'm going to hell and there's nothing I can do about it... as we all know that is so wrong... I've been divorced for 5 years, made it through the dark times without booze or drugs. Am I saved? God saves me everyday, I should be dead and/or crazy many times over by now, but by his grace I'm still standing... Praise God and thank you Lord for that... I'm ready to start anew... I don't do the bar scene and if some of the girls on this site is a sample of what is in store for me... I'm going back to being happily single... oh yea, and for all you girls out there that refuse a man because he smokes... That's fine, personal preference is a great thing, but don't say because the body is a temple and if you can't respect that why would she.... of course, Cheese burgers are just as bad as cigarettes, so look in the mirror, does your "temple" consume to many cheese burgers? Get real ladies... Some of you actually say you want "anything" as far as what do you want from this site.. and then you want to meet man that are not as old as you are... I mean you want younger men not even the same age as you, so it's really obvious what you are after... I will be leaving this site soon... Christian sites are like churches, you just have to keep looking for one that is right for you... I think the next one I'll actually pay for and see if the quality there is different... That was mean, sorry... God bless you ladies and I hope you find what you need...


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Posted : 20 Feb, 2010 01:38 AM

Hello Ghayes,

I don't know if you will have gotten off this site before you read this, but here it is anyway.

You are absolutely right in one particular thing you said. This site is like a church, I would go so far as to say it reflects society as a whole. In church, society, at work....where ever you go you will have people with different opinions and viewpoints. On this site, I have run into those who are what I would deem fanatical (no spiritual/natural balance), those who have different beliefs because of the denomination they subscribe to and those who it is very obvious, don't have God, let alone Christ in their life at all.

You sound very angry. It is everyone's God given right to like what what they like and to have a reason for it or simply not like it without any explanation at all.

If you believe by going to a site where you have to pay is going to get you a 'quality' person, you are sadly mistaken. If it's one thing I've learned at my vibrantly youthful age of 38 :rolleyes: is that people are the same where ever you go. There, you will meet the same people exception being they are able or willing to pay for it.

I can afford to go to E-Harmony. Would I be "quality' over there?

There no 'quality' people. We are all sinners, saved by grace. We all think and see things differently depending on our life experiences, how we were raised, etc etc.....

So, regardless of where you go, you should keep looking until you find the woman that God has ordained for you.

You should also get complete deliverance and healing from your anger and hurt from your marriage, so that you don't take baggage into your next relationship, making sure you have forgiven in your heart. Oops, was that mean? Sorry.

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Posted : 20 Feb, 2010 07:19 AM


This woman's post about not dating a divorced man b/c that would be equal to adultery, does have some biblical backing HOWEVER, you and your wife were separated b/c she was basically unfaithful and in the bible that gives you the "free and clear" to leave. Also, the bible references that if a couple are together and one is saved and the other isn't and the one who isn't saved wants to leave then they should separate. The issue of divorced individuals getting together with someone else and it being considered adultery is when two people just decide to part ways not based on the above issues stated. I'm sorry that things haven't worked out for you on here. I have to admit, I haven't really "found" someone either. I've meet a lot of cool people and have even gotten into some pretty basic friendship with some, but I think no matter where you go and look, it all takes time. Good luck with wherever you go and I know that God will bless your path if you stay true to Him and thank you for your service to our great country!!

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Posted : 20 Feb, 2010 07:55 AM

Thank you Stormcountry, you are absolutely correct in your biblical references.

Ghayes, I want you to know that I was speaking to your bitterness and anger earlier. Many times we don't see what is in us because we can't see past the hurt and victimization. Just remember that Jesus is your healer and open and waiting for you whenever you are ready.

I do want want to thank you as well for your service. My ex, while we were married was in the army and was a peacekeeper in Bosnia for a year while I stayed home with our child. What your wife did was in her to do and is not representative of anyone but herself. I don't speak lightly, but from experience.

Get your healing and move on with your life in Jesus' name.

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Posted : 22 Feb, 2010 09:51 AM

lol in a way, this is why i stopped going to church. i cant seem to find a "normal" church that is nice and calm. all the churches ive tried are so crazy and hyper when they are worshiping. im a catholic and i prefer the catholic church because i like the calmness of it and the routine of it. it seems more beautiful and holy, but at the same time we have no good catholic churches in our area. its kinda like trying to find anormal christian girl. i just want someone who is strong in faith, but not one of those crazy fanantical "mega church" type girls. but all im surrounded by in real life is either extremly liberal non-relgious people, and when i do meet a christian they are like the crazy ones. so its hard out there in all regards.

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Posted : 23 Feb, 2010 04:04 AM

Omg Mr Hayes, I guess I must be really doomed becuz I am twice married and divorced, I smoke and I've had one too many cheeseburgers:angeldevil: but you know what God loves us anyway.

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Posted : 25 Sep, 2010 08:18 AM

Hope you haven't given up on this site, because here I am! Sorry so many of my sisters have given you the wrong impression of what a Godly woman is...She is full of unconditional love, supportive without taking control, clear on what our Lord would want of us in this world, but accepting of the fact that we are all sinners, and that is why He came to die for us! Maybe they just never spent any time in the real world.

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Posted : 22 Feb, 2011 07:21 AM

I hope you are still checking this site. I just had to reply to your post. I am so sorry that some woman are so judgemental and "holier than thou", but not all are that way. I have been a Christian for a long time. If I have not learned anything else...I have learned that God looks on the heart which is something we cannot do. It is not our job to judge. That is God's job. I quit smoking years ago but most of the people in my life that I love continue to smoke. Some of them drink a drink every once in a while. Does not mean they won't go to Heaven? Of course not! While I do agree we have to draw lines sometimes...most of the line we draw are totally rediculous. People need to be accepted and loved not scorned and ridiculed. That is what Jesus did. People were naturally drawn to him because he loved them. I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for because despite all the hostility you tried to put in your profile you seem quite interesting and sincere. Keep the faith and know that God hears your prayer. :purpleangel:


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