Author Thread: Do we search partner, or do we trust to God that he has my partner already?

Do we search partner, or do we trust to God that he has my partner already?
Posted : 11 Jan, 2010 05:39 AM


I would like to post the comment, what i am thinking about, being on this site. I would be interested about yours oppinions. Speaking about myself: I believe in God, as in who fills my needings. Food, home, money.. all in His hands. If i believe in this, how big sense has to be on christian dating web? Biblie says, that we have to search first His Kingdom, and we will get all the rest UP. So, is more sencefull to spend 1 and half hour by chatting, or reading bible? Or visit that ones who needs? Or just simply pray? Sure we do this all as well, but than we go to web site, to search a partner by ourselfs. Do u believe, that even if you would not be on this site, God will give you your beloved person, in the right time? If you do, why are u here? Ok, we can say, why not to be. And yes - why not. But why yes, if we dont need to worry and care about things of this world and filling of our needings? Maybe because we want to have friends, love, dont to be lonely... do we trust to ourselves to find it, or we trust in our God?

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Do we search partner, or do we trust to God that he has my partner already?
Posted : 11 Jan, 2010 08:50 AM

Well I definitely think it is important to trust in God to help us find that special someone, however I also think that we have to be willing to look. In today's world it seems harder and harder to find someone who genuinely follows God and something like this site allows people to communicate and discuss their religious issues with other believers and opens things up to build relationship with other believers that might lead to something more. I agree that we must trust and seek God first and that through that good things will come, but at the same time, like I said I think it is important that we look also.

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Do we search partner, or do we trust to God that he has my partner already?
Posted : 11 Jan, 2010 07:59 PM

In my opinion the answer is..... both.

We should trust in God. He is our provider and sustainer --- our everything. God wants us to trust Him to provide everything we need.

But God also gave us a brain and the capacity for reason and thinking. He does not want us to sit idly or passively by. It is OK to seek -- as long as we stay on the path He has for us. It is OK, I believe, to join sites like this to seek a partner -- as long as we are doing so in prayer and with God's will foremost in our minds and actions.

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Do we search partner, or do we trust to God that he has my partner already?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2010 02:05 AM

Personally I am not on here mainly to find a mate. I came on this site mainly for the chat. I am by myself and got tired of just talking to my cats.

I do believe that God will send someone to cross our path when He feels we are ready...but....if we aren't on the path how will we know?

He tells to be diligent in all we do. That means we have to do whatever the situation may be. We still have our free will so God can't and won't override that. So if we just sit and wait....then how are we to know. He is not going to force anyone on us.

THe same would be as in job hunting....if we sit back and pray for a job but don't go hunting for is anyone going to know we need one and how to get in touch with us. We are required to put some effort in our lives. We are told to "abide".

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