Author Thread: Friendly Debates

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 9 Jan, 2010 10:20 PM

So I have been debating with some friends the topic of meditation and it's value (or lack thereof) in religion. By that I mean any religion not just christianity. I'm just looking for other people's opinion, and of course a friendly debate on the topic..:glow:

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 9 Jan, 2010 10:38 PM

As Christians, meditating is a little different to some other religions where it is for the purpose of "emptying" ones mind -

Christians meditate by "filling" their mind with His Word - and through this, being "led" by the Holy Spirit to what needs brought to your attention.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 10 Jan, 2010 04:19 PM

I'm with Oshen on this one. We should fill our minds with his praises and the name of Jesus, not empyting it.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 10 Jan, 2010 06:11 PM

While in highschool i took a World Religions course and we explored the idea of meditation in the budhist faith. It is quite an interesting topic I personaly agree with you. Although you must kepp in mind the fact that other religions are also meditating on their god and his word.

If you ask me i think that all religions worship the same god and many religions such as the muslim faith believe in the same founder of their faith. Which was Abraham.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 10 Jan, 2010 08:52 PM

Jesus states quite clearly that to be a believer in God is exclusive because He says that the only way to the Father (God)- is through Him, Jesus.

John 14 v 6 Yeshua said, "I AM the Way - and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me."

Abraham is not the founder of Islam - Mohummed is.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 11 Jan, 2010 01:28 AM

Ms. Oshen,

You are wise beyond your height!

One point though...belief does not make one a Christian. Believing in God does not make one a Christian. The great deciever "believes" in God and he is no Christian. I know I am "nitpicking" but then again I have been called a "nitwit" in the past.

As a Catholic I use The Rosary to Pray The Our Father and to ask for Prayers on my behalf, while meditating on the Mysteries of Christ.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 11 Jan, 2010 01:51 AM

LOL..I see you are funny too!!

You are absolutley right - one can believe in God and yet not be a true Follower of His.

John 9 v 3b-4:

"and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." Jesus.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 12 Jan, 2010 08:36 AM

Ok, now I get the height joke but to stay on topic, the main concept behind meditating is to focus. So therefore whatever religious beliefs or practices you have, when you meditate you are to be focusing yourself on those beliefs. So for a Christian, yeah you would focus on God, His word, and His love. I was fortunate enough to study the Pyschology of Religion in college and their are, in my opinion, some pretty strange religions out there with some pretty strange practices, however the concept of meditating could seemingly be found in amongst the majority of these religions. I think no matter what our religious beliefs are, people in general who have a strong faith, in whatever they believe, will look to meditate or to focus on that belief.

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 12 Jan, 2010 02:58 PM

thank you stormcountry that is more or less what i was debating with my friends about prior to starting this forum thread.

Any way perhaps someone can answer these questions i have longed to know the answer too.

How can there be so many religions out there but only one God? who is to say that ours is the right one? and Is it possible that we all believe in the same higher being?

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Friendly Debates
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 11:04 AM

How can there be many religions? Simple! Most people "pick" a religion because they like it, whereas Christians believe it. And well, God is an awesome God, and I don't believe we all worship the same God. What about satanists? They believe in God too. And as for meditation-I'm a cross country runner, I'd pray before a race, but during the hour long warm-up routine, I simply got in touch with my body, made sure everything was in working order, and felt nothing wrong with God having no part of that routine. Most yoga classes only last a half-hour, and focus on meditation, whereas for me, I took an hour to focus on myself. I don't feel that made me selfish, but it did calm me, lower my heart rate, affect my breathing, many of the same things meditating does for other religions.

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