Author Thread: The wealth within

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The wealth within
Posted : 7 Jan, 2010 03:19 PM

The Kingdom of God is within you, said Jesus Christ (Lk 17:21)

thereby indicating that immeasurable riches are deposited in us, that we have a kingdom within ourselves, that it is within the power of each one of us to build up for himself a kingdom of peace, prosperity and happiness. This kingdom belongs to God but, we are reminded, it lies within us. Therefore, while we thank God for it, let us also look after this kingdom.

There is no wealth worth having except the wealth within ourselves the key to our own destiny and happiness.

Too much of material wealth and security often impoverishes one's personality. What counts is not the wealth one has acquired, but the person and his qualities that acquired them-

his abilities


and Ideals.


"Your success lies within you, not in your bank account, for the real world is the one you look out from, not the one you look out on."


Paul of Tarsus wrote to Timothy, 'Neglect not the gift that is in' (Tim 1:6).

The secret of the joy of living is the proper appreciation of what we actually posses.

happiness is not produced by material things.

It is the fruit of our efforts to make the most of what we already have.

Success is the self-expression of the man who keeps in his heart the treasures of liberty


and personal integrity

and relies on them rather than on safety and comfort.

"He who sits on the cushion of advantages goes to sleep," says Emerson.

The discovery of the riches within one's own self is greater than the most acclaimed discovery of science. learning to use what we already have is the most helpful learning for life. It gives us a chance to show what is in us.

Give to others the benefit of the wealth within you, and you will be happy. As the beloved Francis of Assisi says , its is in giving that we receive. The self-centered man is the least self-reliant and the most unhappy. He relies on others for his selfish interest and happiness eludes him.

God created man and made him a partner in his on-going creation. According to the creative plan of god man has to continue making and perfecting himself and his world. Every human person, therefore, is a self-making being.

By making good use of what God has given, man must fulfill God's command to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28).

By his own effort man must multiply his abilities and talents, and produce good fruit. God has given man the garden of Eden, but man has to "cultivate and take care of it" (Gen 2:15).

Every man has to take care of and multiply not only the wealth without him,, but even more the wealth within him.

'Work,' writes Marleau Ponty*, is not simply the production of wealth but, in a more general way, the activity by which man projects a human environment around him, and by which he transcends the natural data of his existence.'

Every form of work is meant to make the world a better place for man to live in. If i am a brick layer, every brick i lay contributes to the building up of the world.

'You should build a better world,' God said.

I questioned: 'How?

The world is such a wondrous place,

so complicated now;

And i so small and useless am-

There's nothing I can do!'

Then God, all wise and kind, replied:

'Just build a better you.'

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