My Personality Profile...........
Posted : 25 Sep, 2009 12:03 PM
I went onto eHarmony last year and did there personality profile. (with no intentions of actually" paying" for the site..I wont ever pay to find love) I was curious to see what the profile had to say about me. and I must say that It Is quite accurate. There was only one area that I didnt fully agree with but they were still right about some of it.....I would recommend this to anyone who wants to take the time to answer all there questions.
This Is what my answers to the questions says about me.....I dont really expect yall to want to read this. I am just doin this as an example.
You are best described as:
Words that describe you:
* Understanding
* Unquestioning
* Humane
* Selfless
* Gentle
* Kindhearted
* Gullible
* Indulgent
A General Description of How You Interact with Others
Here's one important truth about you: you have a tender heart. Yes, you know that others need to learn to take care of themselves. Yes, you know they need to accept the consequences of their foolish or bad behavior. And sometimes, even when your instinct is to help them, you will let them fend for themselves and let them suffer the consequences of their choices or circumstances.
But most of the time you are there to help when they need you. If they are in trouble, you offer compassion and go out of your way to be helpful. If they need someone who will listen, you are trustworthy and sympathetic. And you are direct with them; when they need advice or counsel, you offer it in a straightforward, direct manner, without beating around the bush.
You're also smart enough to know that you cannot take good care of others if you fail to take good care of yourself, so you listen to your own wants and needs. If you've run out of sympathetic energy, you spend time restoring yourself. If you've ignored your own pain or frustration, you find a friend who will listen well, or go into your own private healing place and give yourself permission to focus on you.
But before long, you're back at it with your friends, offering a sympathetic ear and compassion on which they learn to trust, also giving straightforward advice and counsel when they ask for it. You do know how to take care of yourself, but your genuine interest is in taking care of others.
On the Openness Dimension you are:
Words that describe you:
* Practical
* Down-to-earth
* Traditional
* Earnest
* Uncomplicated
* Folksy
* Steady
A General Description of How You Approach New Information and Experiences
You like the way things are in your life. The ideas and beliefs that have served you well serve you still. The habits and routines of work, home and life suit you to a tee, and you see no reason to alter it. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," and as far as you're concerned, "It ain't broke." Your roots go deep into the soil of what you've believed about life for a long time, and these deep roots give your life a sense of steadiness and purpose. Since you've held on to these beliefs for a long time, and held on earnestly, your understanding of things is deeply held; novelty and intellectual experiments and "the next new idea" hold little interest for you. You like the practical, down-to-earth ways of thinking and believing and living your life that have served you so well.
Emotional Stability:
On Emotional Stability you are:
Words that describe you:
* Calm
* Stable
* Composed
* Unflappable
* Confident
* Secure
* Collected
* Controlled
* Poised
A General Description of Your Reactivity
Everyone, including you, runs into those moments when emotions rise up and you get caught off guard and have to deal with someone whose feelings are out of control. Life just comes at us like this. When you face such moments you are steady, composed, and as solid as a rock. While others might be swept up in the emotions of the moment, you are able to remain calm and collected. When others cannot think straight you remain unflappable and clear-headed. A fundamental truth about you when it comes to your emotional world is that you are very confident and very secure.
You may be as solid as a rock, but you are not as cold as stone. When life is calm and you are safe, you get in touch with your emotions. You laugh with your friends and share tender moments with those you're close to. You might tear up watching a movie or some tragic story on the evening news. And you're no stranger to fear, when the future is threatening or some danger sneaks into your thoughts at night, you feel the fear in the pit of your stomach. But you know how to get through these moments. You marshal your very competent brain, get your thoughts up on top of your feelings, and think of a way to cope. Before long you're calm and stable again.
Your approach toward your obligations is:
Words that describe you:
* Impulsive
* Instinctive
* Intuitive
* Sometimes Inefficient
* Procrastinator
* Rule-breaker
A General Description of How You Interact with Others
Rules are made to be broken, plans are made to be changed, and schedules are made to be altered. Anyone who's been around you for very long knows that is just part of the way you live. You don't like to be hemmed in by someone's idea of how a job should be done or a goal should be accomplished. Where others assume that the way to get something done is to follow whatever guidelines have been laid out, your idea of how to best get things done often involves making it up as you go along. You are as variable as a hawk in full flight - but like the hawk, you keep your eyes on the prize; even in the midst of turmoil you have a sense of where you need to go. You just have your own way of getting there.
To the surprise of some of your friends and associates, you do get things done, though. But maybe not on the timeline someone else had hoped for. In fact, you likely have a reputation as a legendary procrastinator, not because you're lazy or disinterested, but because following your instincts and creative sense takes longer. But the upside is that often your instincts turn the ordinary into something quite amazing; and some of the times, when you get everything just right, the ordinary original plans become an extraordinary achievement.
Extraversion: The only thing I dont agree with In this one Is the fact that they say I am quiet..I am far from being quiet.
When it comes to Extraversion you are:
Words that describe you:
* Quiet
* Reserved
* Deliberate
* Solitary
* Cautious
* Guarded
* Purposeful
* Meditative
A General Description of How You Interact with Others
You are quiet and reserved to the extent that others might think of you as a solitary person. They may be right in some ways - there are plenty of times when you prefer your own company to most social gatherings. You'd rather be alone with a good book and an evening of leisure than at a party or a committee meeting or in the crowds at the mall.
Others seem to enjoy the free flow of spontaneous conversations and group discussion more than do you. You like to think things through for yourself then offer up your opinions in measured and deliberate ways. And even when you are in conversations with others, you are cautious and guarded with others. You don't have a lot of interest in participating in larger groups like parties, committees and crowds, and you don't like the spotlight. You might even dread mandatory social events, such as office gatherings at holidays. You speak up when you have something to contribute to the conversation but you don't speak just to hear yourself talking. In most social circumstances you meet your obligations and then you look forward to getting back to your routine; where you find your deepest satisfaction.
Your social circle is probably not very large - you may have several close friends. You probably enjoy quieter social activities, maybe sharing meals or small gatherings with them. And even with your friends you may he somewhat guarded; you open up, but slowly, and share yourself, but in a slow and careful way. You want and need to be close to these people, but you take your time; you share yourself with them albeit cautiously at first.
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