Author Thread: Help with an attitude problem about flakey women

Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 17 Sep, 2009 01:15 AM

I hate confessing that but its something I need to nip right now before the enemy gets a foothold.

The number of women I meet on this site who claim to be "spiritual, Chirstian ladies" who turn out to be really flakey and irresponsible - is really getting on my nerves to put it midly. It seems like there are a lot of those "Christian ladies" who hide behind - being "spirit led" as an excuse for not keeping their word or just being downright flakey. It is enough to make a guy scream "Who the Heck do you think you are fooling!" They are not anymore spirit led than my dog is in a lot of cases - or sometimes it is probably really about the fact that they have more baggage - than you could fit on a freight train - which isn't their fault in a lot of cases but it is still very hard to deal with. It is enough to make a guy go clinically insane.

My idea of Heaven on Earth is a good wife - so I never have to deal with "this kind" of nonsense anymore. Of course its part of life if you are looking (flakey women - or men if you are a woman) but I think its way worse on the Internet - ie: this site. Needless to say I would not do that for a lot of reasons - but I could probably find more women with a little character in one evening at a bar - than I have met on this site in a few months.

There - I feel better now:glow:

If anyone has any good spiritual food to help me put this resentment to death and keep it there please respond. Some appropriate scripture - would be the best thing

Of course it may just be that I need to get out of Dodge in this case (delete my profile) to solve this issue.

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Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 17 Sep, 2009 06:45 AM

James: 5:16 As is so often the case, having slept on it, the answer is obvious and I have answered my own question. All of it is not very important at all. The main thing I need to do is spend less time on this site - and focus more on God.

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Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 21 Sep, 2009 12:27 PM

Wow! Sounds like you have some stories to tell about some meetings on here. Hope things turn around for you.

It's been my experience that flaky seems to be built into women.

I'm sure they have the same idea about some of the guys BUT, having never gone on a date with a guy, I'm not sure.

I've found out that desperation seems to make people blind to the obvious and allows those flakes to sneak by the first line of defense.

I've also learned that I'm plenty happy without a lady hanging around. I think it made life easier.

If it happens, great. If not, well..that's just peachy too! :)

Spend some of your effort from here on one of your hobbies and you may just surprise yourself.

Ok...that's a wild tangent! Sheesh. Anyhow. I hope things take a turn for the better in your seeking!

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Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 21 Sep, 2009 01:01 PM

Got to admit that fits to a small degree - because after a lot of disappointment one (or I should say "I") tend to ignor some red flags.

But I think that is really a small part of it, because its pretty easy for an intelligent person to write a nice looking profile. But that does not mean they are not flakey than the North Pole and have almost zero real integrity when it comes to how they react to men . Usually it has to do with the fact they have a tremendous amount of emotional baggage and that does not come out a lot of times until after at least a few emails.

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Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 21 Sep, 2009 01:09 PM


:laugh: No problem buddy. No offense taken. Besides at this point I am talking with a few ladies that have some character.

Thank you for your comments

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Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 21 Sep, 2009 08:53 PM

Just one more example - Miracles Happen

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Help with an attitude problem about flakey women
Posted : 25 Sep, 2009 09:04 AM

About women saying they want one thing and really wanting another - this site has made that very clear to me. I used to operate under the false conclusion that women in general are more honest than men. Actually, at this point I think the reverse is true - and by no small margin. Please let me explain.

The word makes it clear that Satan deceived Eve in the garden. It also says "Adam was not deceived" which means he chose to sin.Probably he did so out of his love for Eve - so that he would not be sepparated from her.

1 Timothy 2:14 (KJV) 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

The lies of a woman come from her self-deception - whereas when a man lies it is more often deliberate.

Liberals would not like this, but below is pasted from another post. This understanding or revelation - pretty much solves all of my issues. I am very grateful for this website because it was the tool God largely used to give it to me.

Also out of a woman's weaker nature - she believes lies in order to protect herself - she is an easier target for Satan than a man - in regard to deception. That I am sure is why Satan came to Eve and not to Adam That's the progression of the fallen nature or carnal side of a woman. So if her mind is not renewed by the word of God - she is bound by dishonesty to a large degree because you can not be honest with others when you do not know what the truth is yourself.

Likewise to the degree that a man's mind is reprogrammed by the word of God "and Godly principles" "rightly deviding the word of God" he is honest - and choses not to lie.

This is also why Eph 5:22 is mandatory - not optional - that a man is to be the spiritual head of the house

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