My advised for those who seeks true love to build a good happy marriage built in truth and in the fear of God
Posted : 28 Aug, 2020 04:16 PM
Step 1) Remember that the love of God is the most important thing to seek. Knowing that God loves you, you no longer need to seek to flourish by wondering how the other makes you feel (human weakness): the most perfect love comes from God and it is always yours. . They will do a lot more to fill your love void than the other person can ever do. Approach your love life knowing that God loves you and that there is plenty of room for the wonders of love, marriage, family love, etc. Consistency (not versatility) will then help you build and love your own family. (Christians: always remember that He sent his son, Jesus, to die for your sins). Make sure you stay strong in your loving relationship with God. It means you know he's always there to help you along the way. Trust him. Make God the most important thing in your life. Make her the love of your life.
Step 2: Know that she is the right person for you. Date someone you might consider getting married to. Choose someone who has a similar desire for God, someone who will help you strengthen your faith. If you are already in a relationship, positively encourage your partner to seek God. Help your little friend focus on God. Know that Christians should not put themselves under a foreign yoke, if they are not to accept your faith, you will probably have to sacrifice the relationship.
Step 3:
Pray. Pray about your romantic relationship. Leave everything in the hands of God. Let God know that you are seeking His approval. Thank him for the chance to meet again as a couple and for the happy times you are having. You can also pray with your boyfriend. It is great to help each other with the stress that your lives can bring to you. As you pray together, you experience God together. However, it might cause you to focus on building your privacy. There is always a tendency to express each other's faults during times of prayer, so don't question or judge. Instead, help each other build trust, love and forgive each other by following the Our Father's example.
Step 4:
Talk about God. Make an effort to speak about God in your discussions. Not only will this help you keep God in your mind, but you will also learn more about each other's beliefs. By bringing up a spiritual topic, you turn a normal discussion into one whose meaning is eternal. By talking about God, you can also help each other increase your knowledge and confidence.
Step 5: Read the Bible. You can help yourself to remember God's love and promise by keeping His words in your heart. Try to read the Bible together. It's fun, witty, and great for conversation. Different verses will help you on the road to your relationship.
Step 6: Get involved in church. Make sure you and your boyfriend are active in church. You will feel better sharing the love of God. He calls us to serve him.
Step 7: Pay attention to physical affection. Hugs are an amazing thing. God created physical affection to be a good thing. But you have to be careful about the amount of physical affection you give to each other. A relationship can quickly sink into sin if the physical bond develops too early. Everyone is different, but if you feel guilty about what you're doing, it's probably a good sign that you're going too far. Avoid physical contact that might provoke lustful thoughts (for example, sitting on her knees, lying on top of each other, kissing or massaging you sensually). Save sex for marriage. Talk about your physical gestures with each other to make sure you both feel comfortable. Realize that what might seem innocent to you might seem dangerous to your partner.
Step 8:
Show each other the love of Christ. Make sacrifices for each other. Watch a romantic comedy. Go to a football game. Be ready to help. Give more importance to the other than to yourself. Find ways to show yourself how much you love yourself. Use the love God has shown us and bring it to your little friend.
Step 9: Bring out all the fruit of the Spirit. Note that there is no question of fruits, because we cannot choose which ones we prefer. This will allow you to lower the stress of the relationship in this troubled world.
Rejoice as you realize that it is a whole, not small pieces: 'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, benignity, faithfulness , meekness, temperance, the law is not against these things. (Galatians 5: 22-23 King James Version) Reread these passages constantly.
Step 10: Have fun, praise and glorify God. Smile and know that God is with you. Enjoy the life that God has given you both. Whenever you have the chance, praise God for all that he has brought into your life. Trust him and know that he supports you. He wants what's best for both of you.
Step 11: Enjoy your personal moments with God. Make sure you spend time alone with God. You need time to read the Bible, to keep your journal or to pray, only you and God. Since God is the ultimate love that you must seek, it is good to spend this time alone with him.
Step 12: Never forget that God is real. Living as a couple can bring you much happiness in this world, but neither should you miss the chance to realize the eternally wonderful nature of God's love. God is true. Love is real. God is love. Become aware of the work of God in your life now. His forgiveness is real and his promises are real. Give the love that God gave you to your boyfriend. God's love is perfect. Let the love of Christ permeate your romantic relationship. Let the love you feel for each other be a banner that shows the goodness of God. Remember that you are not your own, you have been bought and that is why God must reign in your relationship. We are called to be holy, because he is holy. We must honor our father and mother, our wife and children, our brothers and sisters, even in our own life and our love life is no exception. Remember, as C. S. Lewis said, that love that becomes a god becomes a demon. So submit all your love to the one who is Love and like a gardener, he will prune the tree of your love which is changeable and ephemeral by nature to make a beautiful garden that you can share with all your relationships, including your romantic relationships. .
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