My 2nd "attempt-only" at humour.
Posted : 3 May, 2020 07:34 AM
Dating interview: What do you look for in a woman?
A pulse.
Are you vain at all?
No, check out that mirror, "hey gorgeous, yeah you, " you're so beautiful!" Wink, wink...
What is your description of a perfect date? Fresh, brown, does not expire for at least two weeks, (grocery store dates).
Favorite line to use when you like a woman?
"Hey, come here often?" Said at funeral homes, mostly, while they're grieving.
How would you describe yourself to your potential date?
Tall, extremely handsome, disgustingly rich: When I sneeze the banks catch a cold. When I walk, hundred dollar bills flutter to the ground, loose change.
Are you humble?
Yes, I"m the best of the best, but I'll give you a chance. I"m nice like that!
Are you generous?
Of course, I treat myself generously all day!
Are you in denial about how important you really are? Denial? That is a river in Egypt, isn't it?
Are you not evading the question?
No, I just evade taxes!
Okay, this interview is ended. You will never have a date! We recommend you trust in Jesus Christ!
Good answer!
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