My name is Bryan. I have been a musician/drummer playing christian music for the past 16 years. Within this past year I also got my ministers license so I can be even more equipped in my ministry that God has for me. I am looking for a woman that is committed to loving our Lord Christ Jesus first and foremost. Apperance is important, but it is the inner beauty that creates the outward beauty.
I will share a little of my testimony with you. I was in a car accident back in february of 2000. I had drifted away from my walk with God. I had just graduated high school, & I began making good money, & was becoming very arrogant, & pridefull. Well, when God is wanting to get your attention, trust me He will get your attention. On Feb.16, 2000 is the day my life would be changed forever in a matter of a few seconds.
After attending our Wednesday night service at church a friend was wanting to talk to me about removing my pride and turn back to God. I was carrying her home when the back tires of my truck was caught up in loose gravel sliding me into a ditch. Well, my seatbelt had locked around my waist & upon impact my right knee was jammed between the steering wheel, & the dash . My right hip was shattered, cutting my right sciatic nerve into.
Suddenly, I had no control of my right leg. My foot came down pressing down on the gas pedal. Beings my truck was still in gear, my truck was then coming out of the ditch hitting a tree head on. At this point the gas line had seperated spewing gasoline everywhere. The engine was shoved into me trapping me in. The windhield was shattered upon me, cutting me from my head to my waist. Above all else the engine had burst into flames.
Fortunately, my friend had escaped with very little injury. With flames now approaching my body, she was pulling with all her might to pull me out. To her weighing at 110 lbs. to my 300lbs, the grace of Almighty God gives her the strength to pick me up and pull me out of the burning vehicle. At this point the paremedics meet her dragging me across the road when suddenly the flames had reached the gas line causing a huge explosion.
I was rushed to the hospital losing alot of blood, the doctors did'nt have time to even deaden my body. They just took a metal brush, & started scrapping the glass out of my skin, while sewing me up. Losing all consciousness, I had came to the next morning realizing I had been sent to another hospital. I was being told they were going to try to reconstruct my hip with a metal rod, & 8 screws. Telling me there was not much hope of me being able to walk again.
Soon after I was brought back from surgery, I fell into what appeared to be a comma. I could hear people talking to me, but I was'nt able to respond. My blood pressure had dropped so low they could no longer get a reading. Being rushed to the ICU unit, I was dying. They had discovered a blood clot had formed and was approaching my lungs.
I began to hear a small still voice repeating over saying: "The time I needed you the most you walked away." I had been living a christian life since I was 7 years of age til the time I graduated. God was trying to get my attention!! I began to start repenting of my sins and turning back toward God. I asked Him if He would not only let me live, but would let me walk again I would live everyday as if it was my last day to live. Realizing we have no control of the next second. At that moment the doctors said the blood clot just completly vanished before reaching my lungs. I had regained consciousness.
God still was'nt through with me. See when pride comes into your life God will humble you one way or another. I was completly dependant on someone to do everything for me. Even when coming home I could'nt brush my teeth feed myself, or take a bath on my own. That alone will humble a person. With God's grace after about a year I was able to learn how to walk again and was able to start playing the drums again.
I have been traveling some now sharing my testimony seeing lost soles receive Christ Jesus as their Lord,& Savior. If one person is moved to repentance or receiving salvation it was worth going through it all. May the Lord Bless you. If you would like to talk send me a message. I would be honored to answer any questions you may have. Remember everyone has a story. In Christ Jesus, Bryan
I was so glad u looked at my profile:stop: I hadn't written anything about myself yet b/c I had just learned about this site. I knew that other people had experienced some of the tthings I had, I had just never really stumbled across anyone that had. I also know that no matter how different the story may be, we ALL hurt in some way. And no matter how different things may be, we all need to find someone to talk to. If u have God, then He is best, but we also need an earthly friend to talk to. So thanku very much.....JayJay:glow:
Thank you both for sharing your stories. Wow....gripping stuff. All the praise and glory be onto the Lord Almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:applause::bow:
God is truly an awesome God!!! Bryan what a great testimony and you're right God knows exactly how to get our attention. It's good to see that you are being used by Him to minister to others.
As a sunday school teacher I know that the greatesst ministry can come thru our own trials and tribulations. It's a lil easier to teach when you've experienced it first hand.
Thank you for sharing your story! It is true that God isn't through with you...for everything there is a purpose and God wants to use your life so you can touch other people's lives and be a blessing to others through yours :)
Thank you for sharing your story! It is true that God isn't through with you...for everything there is a purpose and God wants to use your life so you can touch other people's lives and be a blessing to others. Praise God for His amazing grace! :applause: