Author Thread: hello all this is my testomony

hello all this is my testomony
Posted : 1 Apr, 2009 11:50 AM

Before I gave my heart to God I was a pill popper, a drug addict , you name it i did it.... recently in life i was diognost with a mental illness called skitzophrenia.One day i was so high and so off my rocker that I felt like i was going to i cryd out to God and the next thing i knew i felt this overwleming feeling of happiness and joy and the voices were saying good things instead of bad things.... thats when i knew that I was feeling Gods presense and his love.SInce then ive been doing nothing but positive things with my life such as going to the gym, going to church and am even thinking about going to college.Dont get me wrong i still drink occaisonally and smoke but well ive chnaged,I used to have an idol his name is MArilyn Manson..... if only he could see the light of Gods love and mercy he would change and I pray for it.

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hello all this is my testomony
Posted : 2 Apr, 2009 11:29 AM

"Brother I am so glad to hear your testimony!":applause: It encourages me. If you ever need someone to talk with, drop me a line! Iron sharpens iron. we are here to encourage one another. I have met quite a few brothers and sisters on here, and it blows me a way, we all come from different back grounds. But god brings us all together in brotherhood, and love. May you be blessed in all you do!


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