A belated hello
Posted : 1 Apr, 2009 10:46 AM
Greetings and Salutations, this is a bit belated, but hello none the less.
My name is Christopher, I currently live in small town Ohio, and recently moved back here from Tucson and Phoenix Arizona. I work as a nurse aid and love the work field very very much and very rewarding despite the low pay.
In Arizona I worked at a day time activity program for the mentally challenged, though I've also done some work in the computer field.
In my free time I tend to go out into nature quite a bit to find peace as I do not enjoy the noiz of populated areas much, though sometimes I get people sick and desire to be amongst them.
I work in the studio a lot producing noiz with my friends, which we do all on sorts of pieces of technology from standard PCs to turn tables, mixers, analog synths, Atari and Commodore 8-bits, turn tables, etc.
Outside of nature, work, and musick production, I spend a lot of time with my cats, playing Atari or Nintendo, or simply studying the Bible or Social Engineering, which is a study I feel EVERY 21st Century Christian should be involved in...
...though it has the ability to alter your perception as to people to people relations... is somewhat of a dark, isolated, and sad study, yet it also gives one a lot of insight, I.E. it has helped me to understand how Jesus could have so much mercy on those who seem to constantly dig there own holes time and time again.
I could go on with my psychological mumbo jumbo, but I'll save that for later. The main point is I am eccentric, I am hard core into studying that which is designed to undermine the individual and the family, and passionately in love with the Lord that lifts us above such deceptions, and increases our wisdom, intelligence, compassion, and courage as the relationship grows.
It is nice to be here, I've been a member for about a year, and have been greatful for the few interesting souls I've met here already! :)
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