Arrogance is just a step away from being Hubris and pride.
Pride being a sin.
So how can we help someone without sounding Arrogant ?
I tried to help a woman with Fibromyalgia by �suggesting� that she change her diet and follow Leviticus 11, 1-47. she in-turn got very hostile and yelled ( all cap letters ) Saying WHAT DO YOU KNOW ? and called me arrogant. I felt as though, I just fell into a trap that she had set. Like a tiger waiting for it�s prey, she pounced on me with both feet. Just for, I felt was an effort to try to Aleve some of her pain. I understand that she is living with this and knows so much about it and that she probably doesn�t need my help. But she iterated that it was continuing to get worse. She also went on to say, that she prays daily for relief.
Is it arrogant to say something against what the doctors are saying ?
I believe you could fill volumes with the stuff the AMA isn�t telling doctors.
Google Dr. Simoncini and find out the truth about cancer.
Being a messenger should not be considered crossing the line between caring and arrogance. If I didn�t care, I would have just played it off and not said a thing about it. Then I would imagine that everything would have been fine but after awhile of hearing her complaints, if I didn�t say something she would have thought or said, I didn�t care.
Confusing isn�t it ?
More confusion:
Women don�t like arrogant men but at the same time they like a man who takes charge and is not a wimp. I am not a wimp and know what I know but will never use what I know to belittle someone. We all learn from each-other.
I don�t believe that someone knows everything about any given subject, even doctors may have a piece to the over-all puzzle. It is up to us to put those pieces together for our and our loved-ones benefit.
But when I think something is right, I usually verify it from three different sources and spend time in prayer and think about it. When it passes through that process, it is a very solid bases for the truth.
So why do women view men as arrogant. Especially when their girl friend or other doctors say the exact same thing as you, but then it�s OK. ?
Is it because they trust their girl friends, their doctor cares more about them without question ?
Do they feel that men have a hidden agenda ?
or is it that the only man that can care that much, is their own fathers ?
I love a woman that knows her stuff but also loathe someone who raises their voice to try to sway your rightful opinion.
Did you just say something to her out of the blue or have you talked to her before?
The only way I can see someone getting angry with you at all is if you said something out of the blue...but even then 'arrogant' is not the right word.
She had talked about it on her profile and in her e-mail to me and said "the treatment wasn't working and she was getting worse" That I believed opened it up for discussion. I wouldn't have brought it up other-wise.
I also know that if you get ten doctors in a room you'll get ten different prognosis and remedies, especially when dealing with something new or out of the norm. I would suggest using all of them until you've found one that works.
If the remedy came from an unlikely source, then so be it.
Help is help right ?
With living in the information age, all the info we need is just a click away. Most doctors are too busy to spend hours searching for cures outside of normal channels and that's where we come in. Someone somewhere had a family member that had that illness and has found a natural remedy that worked for them. You'll never hear about it from a doctor. There's no money to be made from cures So the pharmaceutical companies just keep telling the doctors to push this pill or that pill, but they only mask the symptoms, not correct the problem.
I was on high blood pressure medication and when I asked the doctor, "how long would I have to take them" he replied, "the rest of my life." I didn't accept that. I searched and searched till I found a way to fix the problem.
It worked, praise be to God and I have normal blood pressure now. even though I'm an inch shorter.:laugh:
I konw some times people can see christians who are on fire for the Lord that way ..I dont push my Lord on someone who cares not to listen..if they want to hear more ..I tell them more ..I also tell of the things the Lord has done in my life, but yes I will start the conversation.