Thank you Father for the first Valentine
Posted : 14 Feb, 2009 02:03 PM
February 14, 2009
Oceans roar, mountains tremble, the earth cools from it�s violent conceptive ensemble. The Great I AM has spoken and the garden grows, with all living things and so-on, and so-on it goes. I�m grateful in knowing He�s thought of it all, not one piece is missing from the greatest to the smallest of small.
A place to call home with beauty surrounds, a paradise for all, to some a play-ground. He painted the landscape for all to see, from hills to the valley�s unto the great seas, with one wave of his hand, His blessings
poured-out, for you and me.
The mind he gave us, free will at last, to look into the future as well as remembering the past. Adam and Eve left foot-prints that we can no longer see, they�ve faded with time but not their legacy. The first Valentine kiss was placed on Eve, in the Garden of love, under that dang-old-tree.
So I Thank you Father for doing all this and remembering little o� me.
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