Inspired story
Posted : 11 Feb, 2009 02:26 PM
Dust rising,.. as a man jogs down a dirt road with each step echoing his burdens as he goes. The pillars of sunlight, moving so slow, seem to brace the trees as the gentle wind blows. He turns a corner on this small mountain road and comes across a woman watering her plants. Her long flowered dress and straw hat, protected her from the summer sun. He stops and asks, �could I have a drink.� She replies, � sure, but I have some cold water inside, would you like some?� �That sounds great� my name is Tony, by the way,� as he followed her into the little house. �I�m Martha� she stated. �Now come on in and make yourself at home.�
She hands him a glass of ice-cold water and to his surprise, the glass was astonishing.
He had never seen such a glass. It looked as if, it was made from many colors and small pieces of broken glass, but how is this possible, �he thought to himself,� as he stared at the glass. He just had to ask. �What an awesome glass� �How could someone make this ? Where did it come from ? �It�s kind of a long story Tony, so maybe you should have a seat and I�ll tell you.� �Ok Martha, I can�t wait to hear this one� as he pulled up a chair and sat down at the dinning room table while still marveling over the glass.
�Well Tony, Life for me was a lot different 5 years ago, you see I was married to a man that loved his liquor more than anything else. I don�t know how it started or why, but I believe, the pains of his life had just caught up with him. Drinking more each day, left it�s toll on us. I felt as if we were spirally down a one-way path to destruction, one, that I had no intention of following him on. I loved him, I prayed for him constantly and tried to reason with him, but I couldn�t reach through the grip that the alcohol had on him.� Tony sat there thinking that he had just gone through a similar kind of self destructive life-style and had lost his wife a few years back as well.. but he sat there quietly listening ever more intensely.
She went on to say, �It all came to a head one day when I found some drugs while cleaning. He was sitting right-there, where you are Tony, when I tossed the bag on the table. He erupted into a flurry and started blaming me for everything and for everything that has ever gone wrong with his life and that I should mind my own business. I told him, that was it and that he had to leave, and that�s when he over-turned the antique cupboard my mother had given me just before she passed away. with all of the glasses that she had saved over the years from her trips around the world, they were very dear to me but he smashed them all just the same. I sat there crying as he left. I started praying for him and found forgiveness in the words that seemed to just flow from my mouth.
I looked at all the broken glass on the floor and thought of how it resembles our now shattered life. All my hopes and dreams where gone in an instant. All my prayers, for not.
�Why� Dear Lord �Why�.... I swept up the glass, making sure I got all the pieces and placed them in a box. The day had left it�s toll on me, Tony, so I just went to bed and cried and prayed myself to sleep.�
�The next morning, I got up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.
I looked at the box still sitting on the table, I just stopped and stared at it for awhile.
Thinking of yesterday and the way that my life is going to change from this point on.
A blue light then a red light shinning on the wall caught my eye, as I looked in wonder, the wall exploded with all the different colors of the rainbow. I thought to myself, how could that be? as I walked over to the dinning room, I was astonished to find a single glass sitting in the middle of the table. The morning sun was shinning through it�s shattered appearance. I looked inside the box and found it empty and quickly turning I looked towards the cupboard, it was filled with all of the glasses, but somehow they were all different. They still looked as if they where broken and the pieces rearranged into some tapestry of colors, each one, being a part of another. I reached over and picked one up, expecting to find sharp edges or it to just crumble in my hands but there where none, they where as smooth as if they were new. They appeared to be made by some mast-craftsman. So I filled one with water and found there where no leaks.
�I though to myself,� how could my husband come back and put them together, so well, and all in one night. Just then it hit me like a brick and I knew, the Lord had put them together, as a voice came to me and clearly said, �Only God, can make right what man has destroyed.� �Only God can bring together, the pieces of a shattered life.�
I fell to my knees in prayer, for the gift that God has just shared with me.
Only His love, can mend a broken heart and shattered lives !�
�The story of the woman at the well also came to me as I prayed, Jesus said, �if you drink from the well, you�ll always be thirsty but if you drink from my cup, you will thirst no-more.� So I share this water and story with you Tony, in hopes of filling your spirit and quenching your thirst for a life-time. God loves you, Tony! Do you know Him ?�
Tony was obviously shaken, as tears filled his eye�s, �I thought I did� he replied. Would you pray with me Tony ?� �yes� he said softly. So they prayed together. It seemed like for hours, as the rainbow of colors circled the room in a silent dance with the sun.
Tony left that day, a changed man. His spirit was light, the weight of the world lifted and the thoughts of the future were as bright as noon-day sun. He turned one last time to look back at the little house in the woods. When he heard someone say, �boy it�s hot do you mind if I get a drink?� he smiled, as he watched Martha invite them in. A tear of joy filled his eye as he turned and started to jog away.
I will return someday, he thought to himself, but next time, I�m bringing a friend.
From what seems to be a shattered past, now I know, doesn�t equal a shattered future when we reach out to God. We can find comfort in knowing the future is as bright and as different and even more beautiful when we allow God to put back the shattered pieces our lives..
God loves you all
By Michael GW
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