I love Christ. I would be dead and completely lost without Him.
I absolutely LOVE children. I teach 3rd grade. It's tough some days, but I love being around the kids :glow:
I have never had a boyfriend before, never been kissed, etc. I'm not upset about it. I'm done searching and trying to do it myself because that's brought a lot of pain---so, I'm going to let go and let God. If the Lord wishes me to have someone, then He'll bring that someone into my life :-)
I love movies and music! I really wish I were a more avid reader but it's so incredibly hard for me to find books I like. Right now, Neil Gaiman is probably my favorite author. Neverwhere, Coraline, and Stardust are awesome books. Dr. Seuss is AWESOME. He is a complete genius! How he takes adult concepts and breaks them down into fun books for children is just incredible :-)
I love to write poetry. I mostly write when I'm angry, so a lot of it is dark ha ha, but it's a good release.
I like being honest with people about things I struggle with. I don't like the idea of hiding from others. Christians are supposed to carry each other's burdens--- and, in order to do that, I feel we need to be honest with each other.
Okay, I've run my mouth enough. :-) Thanks for listening.