Author Thread: Seeking good advice from Godly men

Seeking good advice from Godly men
Posted : 2 Dec, 2008 12:49 PM

Ok, I"m 43 and have been married most of life and am not familar with the ins and outs of "dating", or what and how men express their interest in a women, you simpley dont think or look for those things when your married, So, I recently went on a camping trip with my sons and their friends dad, who is a believer. He invited us to go along, it was very much a friend kind of invite. We have know eachother thru our sons for the last 3 yrs and he is raising his boys alone as well. I find myself attracted to him but, just like everyone else, do not enjoy the thought of being rejected. He is very queit, seems shy and has seems to be nervous when Im around.

I guess my question would be, what is the best way to let him know Im interested in getting to know him better, and how to recognize if he is in me........honeslty, I dont want to make a fool out of myself........nor embarass him.

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Seeking good advice from Godly men
Posted : 3 Dec, 2008 01:59 AM

Some of us men are pretty dense when it comes to women flirting, so it needs to be something he picks up on. My daughters are always telling me, didn't you notice that woman flirting with you? So we get desensitized too. Maybe tell him you had such a good time camping would he and his son like to come to dinner.

He will think you are flirting, but won't know for sure. If he accepts, chances are he is interested.

It sounds like the camping trip may have been the male version of the dinner, he may just not be sure what to do next.

God's favor,


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Seeking good advice from Godly men
Posted : 3 Dec, 2008 10:52 AM

you could pray and ask the Lord to speak to his heart for you.

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Seeking good advice from Godly men
Posted : 8 Dec, 2008 08:43 PM


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Seeking good advice from Godly men
Posted : 9 Dec, 2008 07:58 PM

Well sister, his nervousness is a sign of several things: He likes you and he's probably afraid of being hurt or rejected just like you. Honesty, always works best is my motto even if you do make a fool of yourself. How long you too have been single can be a factor here for if it is too soon, hurts may not have healed. Divorce is a very painful process. Take it easy sister. What's the hurry. Spend more time with him and his kids. Let him get used to having you around. If he is truly interested and can work up the courage, He will tell you-in time. It's better I think if the man aproaches the woman because then his confidence will be there to take his role as the priest of the house. Don't usurp that role by being impatient. Enjoy.

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Seeking good advice from Godly men
Posted : 13 Mar, 2009 07:59 AM

As you wel know I 'm sure, that honesty is the best policy. I have always found that words straight from the heart and eye to eye in a setting where both are comfortable and willing to share just those thoughts is right. That can be a soft afetrnoon on a screened porch or on the beach, etc.etc. Take time just for the two of you, you deserve that and he is intitled to your complete love and attention. There is nothing like heart to heart when a special timew has been set aside for it, feelings and emotion should be accepted as it comes. When we start out to know someone often times our feelings are not equaliy yoked. One feels more towards the other than the other towards them. take your time and be willing to " paint picturs with words to allow the heart to learn of each others expressions and feelings. No one is allowed to point and laugh, but be willing to say " I don't know, help me see". I like to pray with a friend who may be the next one to court, because we need to be close to God at this time. I pray alot, I have never known it to not help to bridge gaps, open doors or soften a heart.

I hope this helps, I lived in So.Cali for 20+years, still have 3 sons and many friends there. I wish for you Gods best.

In His service


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