Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 05:57 AM
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Hello all of you seekers and those being sought. Remember this from the words of a thinking photographer. People do not view you and your life in video like you do. You see a video gives you lots of information. It tells you what to think. Whereas a still picture freezes the frame and captures a moment of time. It leaves a lot to the imagination. So one person looks in the eyes and sees beauty, another person sees wisdom, and another love. So when people look at you they can not just keep staring that is rude. So that sub consiously take a still photo of you use it to make decision about who you are, what you do, how you act, and where you are going. They make these decisions based on their view point not yours. They look at your life through their lens not yours. WAKE UP THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Life is not fair. So in order to win you must show them the truth about you. Show them that you have it together, that you are cool, that you are confident, that you are successful, with your dress, your smile, your hair, and your demeanor. So look at your pictures and see what they are saying. Remember a picture is truly worth a thousand words.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 03:42 PM
Thanks Pluc!
See, its like this. We are called judgemental because people think we are looking down on the downtrodden. We are admonished because we look like we are trying to impress those "of this world". But isn't that who we are called to witness to? God already knows what's in our hearts. We should strive to please Him already. We don't live in Heaven yet. We live in this world. Amongst the heathern and banjo-pickers. They are the ones we are called to bring home to the Master. They are the lost sheep. We are the shepherds. Dress like a shepherd! Don't dress like a wolf! No one can tell you apart from the rest of the flock if you dress like a hooligan. You already have the inside taken care of. Reflect it on the outside.
Wish there was a little yellow man here snapping his fingers!
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 06:05 PM
dear folks, who is to say that that lost soul who comes in as a beggar... unclean and unkempt , maybe he just doesnt care anymore.. but yet he has been drawn towards JESUS that day so he comes into your church..
so am i to take it some folks would shun him for that..
wake up folks and give that man a reason to care again..
show him the love of JESUS..
show him the same grace and mercy we all were given ..
when we prolly smelt bad to GOD ourselves in our sins.. when we first came to HIM...
im sure it wasnt a sweet aroma to HIM... till you found grace and mercy starin right back at ya..
speak up and reach out to him.. isnt it said that for every person there in the church is there for a reason.. ,find out what his reason is... is he seeking salvation? is he seekin fellowship with others? is he lookin to repent and get back right with GOD after he has been lost awhile and back slid? is he just searching for love and a reason to live? does he need help? what?
dont you wanna know? i know i would..
and also were to entertain strangers .. now it doesnt say to entertain only the pretty, well dressed ,good smellin strangers, sexy strangers non tattoed strangers ..
but yet to entertain strangers as you could be entertainin an angel of the LORD..
sposin the LORD sent him there just to test the love of your church?
do ya really wanna fail ? or do ya wanna pass with flyin colors? thats the question.. its up to you how you react to it..
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 06:26 PM
Also wasn't the ultimate beautiful creature that God created Lucifer? Wasn't heso engrossed in his own beauty and the glorification of himself even above God. So much so that he took nearly a third of the angels with him. So I guess that would be the ultimate lesson. Those who glorify beauty without substance are destined to fall. Wasn't vanity Lucifers biggest sin. He felt himself to be equal to his creator.I don't remember beauty mentioned in the beatitudes or in the fruits of the spirit. I talks more of women being modest than overly adorned. I believe God wants each of his children to have the best. However, God looks to the inside and we as Christians should as well
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 06:27 PM
dear pluc,
your words here
YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM. Do not be fooled by 1babygirls rants about us judging you wrong or the idea that you can be plus size and get a fine man. It can be done but it is rare
mine here
ya know when i go out i see alot of plus sized women and most all of em are with a man or have a weddin ring on.... whats up with that?
just happen to have noticed that most of my spiritual sisters that are overweight or that do not dress it up right keep making excuses for not finding a man. They are great women. But the men can't see that because of their slothful attitude about their appearance. God has called us to take care of this temple and a small part of that is our appearance. It is a lot like going on a job interview. You can have a great resume, and be totally qualified for the job, but if you have a big stain on your suit, or a wrinkled shirt the employer will be looking at that and not your better qualities. So we should give ourselves teh best chance to get the job.
mine here
this is just a small samplin here.. my goodness man.. youre bein very insultin to anyone thats overweight..
lets see plus sized women cant get a fine man cept rarely..
or theyre so stained they cant wont get the job ..{the man}
ya know just cause a woman doesnt come up to your standards or preferences that dont make em stained or any less a woman.. or less wanted.. theres all kinds of reasons why someone is still single.. but all anyone has to do is find the right someone that theyre the preferece of.. and walah theyre a couple..
your words again
The are you saved question will not even come up because her life will show it from head to toe.
mine here
so now youre tellin us that someones saved you can tell just by their looks.. and if theyre not lean and mean then they just gotta be lost .. the saved question should come up no matter what anyone looks like.. . as someone that looks good to ya can still be lost..
why be so insultin to overweight women? there really isnt a need or cause for it.. i recon you say you say whats on your mind but sometimes ya gotta remember other folks has feelins too..
i mean cant ya share your beliefs without insultin overweight people so much? im hopin youll get better at it..
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 07:18 PM
I gotta come to Plucs rescue!
He can help me later, sure I'm gonna need it.
First, you all need to read the whole forum and not focus on a couple of comments made in jest.
Yes, I consider myself wide awake spiritually. I'm sure God won't make his next appearace to us dressed to the nines. He ain't Puff Daddy.
No, I never,ever,ever, said I look down on the less fortunate, the down and out. I said we are all beautiful in God's image. Pluc said the same.I said I will be the first to extend my hand to help anyone. We are commanded to. We are given the charge to take care of others. Yes, I realize some come to church to be healed, they seek salvation, compassion, human companionship, some seek a reason to live, to carry on. It is our job to help them with these needs. Never said they weren't welcome to church. I said after they receive their help, when they let Jesus into their lives, when the chains are removed from around their hearts, to let others see Jesus in them. Be a shining example. Don't be like a church covered in vines.
There are those who read some of the comments in this meaningless thread and take offense. They think we are dissing them personally because they can't look nice. There's a difference between can't and won't. Plain and simple. If you don't care how you look and don't care what anyone thinks about you, goody goody gumdrop. Don't whine because nobody likes you or you can't find a mate. Don't chastize those who do take pride in their apearance either.
If you are comfortable with the way you present yourself to others, good. Look the part.
Yes, Lucifer was a pretty angel. He was pretty because man (humans) are drawn to eye pleasing appearance. But, all those people out there that take pride in their appearance with the purpose of shining for the Lord are not devils. You call us judgemental, yet you are judging us.
About the tatoo thing, been a lot of comments about that. In a way I wish I never brought it up. My beliefs are scripturually based. 1Corinthians 3:16-17. I'm pretty sure that scripture was also applying to smoking, dipping, drinking to excess, getting wasted on drugs,,,,,Will these things be forgiven? YES! That's in the scriptures as well. I believe every word I have written in this thread. If you don't, that's good too. Like the tune goes,"You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything." I'm personally excited to see all the well meaning, spiritually convicted folks out there keeping this going for so long. What started out as an inocent observation by a sincere gentleman has grown into a 7 page argument.
Anyway, looks like I've about beat the living daylights out of this topic.What started out as an innocent ob
I'm hanging up my spurs.
Goodnight ya'll!!
Oh, one more thing, Yes Mr. Cattle, I believe I'll pass with flying colors.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 08:39 PM
Wow, yall been cutting up since I've been gone.
Cattleman, I'm glad you showed up to prove that this is not a man vs woman thing.
I believe what this all boils down to is that we all just have different value systems.We all are from different denominations and different parts of the country where our teachings learned, way we were raised and personal experiences have shaped us. Pluc and Ed have acknowledged that they understand the importance of the status of your heart before God. They, while they were still children probably, had it impressed upon them that how you look is important. Ed has connected it in his mind as a outward expression of worship and reverence. I understand the mind set. I was raised with regular clothes and church clothes. You dressed up when you went to church.
Pluc feels that your image is all important in order to get what you want. He started this post as a persuasive argument to try to convince the women here that we need to get it together in order to obtain a man and if we don't, don't complain about it.
Did I sum it up correctly?
We all feel differently. We all hold the different issues that have arisen on different levels of importance in our minds. I think the biggest thing is not to judge each other. I highly disagree with Pluc's philosophy. But I have to acknowledge his right to think it. He should acknowledge mine. God is the judge.
I don't ever think I would be able to talk Pluc into thinking my way. I will pray for him on anything I may believe he is in error about and then I let it go.
Cattle, you are very sweet. This is one plus sized sister he did not offend. I pray that no one else was either. It all goes back to what I said a couple pages ago, you have to love yourself regardless. I, and plus sized women I know, get too much attention to give any weight (no pun intended) to what Pluc was saying.
Alright yall. It's late, it's been fun and it's been real. Have a good one.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 16 Mar, 2010 07:11 AM
People people maybe you did not see what we both wrote. We acknowledged that putting Christ first the priority. We acknowledged that we would not turn any one away because he/she has tattos or smells. We would embrace them we arms open wide. That would make even a bigger influence the fact that we are dressed nice and looking good but willing to get all of that dirty when one that is not dressed so nice and smells comes in and we wrap our arms around them as if we dont care.
What makes a bigger difference that or one that looks like them doing it. We are not saying turn them away. We (edw & p-luc) are addressing more mature believers and simply saying take a watch your appearance because teh world is looking at you.
I love preaching on the streets of Downtown Dallas. And when they see me coming they ask me for money quickly because I always look like I have it. And I give it to them as well as pray for them hug them and minister the Love of Christ to them. What an awesome image that presents. (A man that looks like he has it all, but is willing to lay it all down to minister Christ with eyes full of tears for the lost). COME ON THAT IMAGE GETS ME EXCITED ABOUT MY LORD. Isn't that what Jesus did. He had everything. He laid it all down to minister to us.
As it relates to attracting a mate, we should do the same.
And about the plus sized women issue. I knew it was a hot button topic. For you information I was married 22 years to a woman who was slender at first and became large later. I never said a word to her because I loved her for who she was not for her body. I do not go around talking about women that are over weight. One of my best female friends is the one who brought all of this to my attention. She was 300 lbs at the time. One day she woke up and said "I am crazy. I keeep eating but expect a fine looking man to want me. She said look at what he is getting. I should be ashamed of myself I want to offer him the best not this." So she got up begin to work out a lose weight. SHe started doing it so you she could look better for her future husband. Now she does it so she can look go for herself. I am proud of her and want the same pride for all my sisters in Christ.
Sometimes what seems like an insult is just the brutal truth. It takes a bold brother or sister in Christ to speak it at times. Our American Christian culture needs a reality check sometimes.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 16 Mar, 2010 07:36 AM
And sometimes what is a brutal truth to one is an ignorant opinion to another.
If I could get you to understand that what is truth to you and your friend is not truth to everyone, I would have accomplished much. For some arrogant reason, you believe that the opinion you have formed is to be truth for all and you present it that way.
MY OPINION is while I'm glad that your friend got healthy, I'm of the OPINION that it would have been more mentally and emotionally healthy for her to lose the weight for herself rather than trying to make herself, what she deemed more acceptable to men. The moment she eats one piece of pie too many, fear of rejection will have her dieting again or eating more from the stress.
Your conformity to the world's system is evidently very complete and sad to see.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 16 Mar, 2010 07:52 AM
Did you totally miss it when I said she now does it for herself. Did you not read that. I think sometimes you have selective hearing 1babygirl. Read all the post not just the part you want to debate about. Hear my heart not just what you think.
It is a FACT that we live in this world system. We are called to win people out of it. We are to be WISE as serpents but HARMLESS as doves. Wake up babe this is the way it works. God created this world He did not corrupt it but He made it this was so use everything not just part of what you got to influence it.