Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 05:57 AM
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Hello all of you seekers and those being sought. Remember this from the words of a thinking photographer. People do not view you and your life in video like you do. You see a video gives you lots of information. It tells you what to think. Whereas a still picture freezes the frame and captures a moment of time. It leaves a lot to the imagination. So one person looks in the eyes and sees beauty, another person sees wisdom, and another love. So when people look at you they can not just keep staring that is rude. So that sub consiously take a still photo of you use it to make decision about who you are, what you do, how you act, and where you are going. They make these decisions based on their view point not yours. They look at your life through their lens not yours. WAKE UP THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Life is not fair. So in order to win you must show them the truth about you. Show them that you have it together, that you are cool, that you are confident, that you are successful, with your dress, your smile, your hair, and your demeanor. So look at your pictures and see what they are saying. Remember a picture is truly worth a thousand words.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 04:26 PM
Hey yall,
I thought this was winding down, but I see it is alive and well.
Edw, stop worrying that you've been of any offense. You're cool. Now that I've said that, Ima need you take sides. You can't be cool with me and be my new best friend AND have Pluc callin' you the man and throwing you virtual high fives! Choose!:laugh:
Pluc all I will say is that I get play whether I'm in sweats with my hair pulled back or all dolled up. I don't attribute this to me being an extraordinary beauty or anything. It's in the way I carry myself. Because I know I am the same person regardless of what I have on or how my hair is or whether I have make-up on, I know that sweats, pulled back hair and wearing my face au naturale does not diminish me in any way.
So, if women become healed and obtain healthy attitudes about who they are, they will be attractive.
I'm still waiting for you to tell me what it is women are supposed to do attract a brutally honest Don Juan like yourself. If you are going to answer be specific since you keep bringing this up.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 11:42 PM
first to riveroflife Maybe 1babygirl has made me seem a little bit harsh or maybe my response to her has been harsh. You see I have talked to her on the phone. She knows that looks mean nothing to me if you do not have your heart right with the Lord. It is not if you go to church or not with me. It is how strong are you in the Lord. My standard is high for what I am believing God for in a spouse. And it starts in the spirit.
I just happen to have noticed that most of my spiritual sisters that are overweight or that do not dress it up right keep making excuses for not finding a man. They are great women. But the men can't see that because of their slothful attitude about their appearance. God has called us to take care of this temple and a small part of that is our appearance. It is a lot like going on a job interview. You can have a great resume, and be totally qualified for the job, but if you have a big stain on your suit, or a wrinkled shirt the employer will be looking at that and not your better qualities. So we should give ourselves teh best chance to get the job.
1babygirl the woman that wins my heart will probably be a strong woman of prayer, one that loves to minister to young people, and one that loves to look good, and of course she will be SEXY. The are you saved question will not even come up because her life will show it from head to toe. The real question will be one of vision, destiny, and purpose. She is a prosperous, woman also. Thank you Jesus I can see her already.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 05:54 AM
EX! CUSE! ME????! How I wish we had a voice mode so that you could hear how loud I just said that.
OMG! It looks like you just wrote and compared overweight women who are passed over by dudes that prefer smaller women to a qualified applicant not getting a job because of a stain on their suit.
You are unbelievable. :MrT:
You tried (unsuccessfully) to soften it by saying they are great women, but being overweight and not being glamor shot ready is equivalent to having to a slothful attitude about their appearance. And just to add a little sumthin, sumthin,(insult to injury), you say that plain and overweight is not taking care of God's temple??? O! M! G! :boxing:
Pluc, I am overweight by your standard. I call it thick and fabulous, but that is another post for another time. If you truly believe that unless you are thin, slender,small or whatever in the world YOUR definition is of sexy that only these people are taking care of God's temple, have great attitudes about their body and are 'being hired for the job' by the 'nice-looking people', there is really nothing I can say or do to help you.
You say there are overweight, plain looking, slothful attitude women complaining to you about not having a man. First, I don't know how well traveled you are outside of Dallas, but do plain overweight women come up to everywhere you go and say this? What I believe is that you, in your narrow sphere of where you live have a few women that you know that have made this complaint. Then you automatically assumed that they don't have a man because to YOU, they are overweight and plain. Do you think, just perhaps, it could be any of the other hundreds of reasons women, and men for that matter don't currently have a significant other? Pluc the women that you know, despite the number, are not representative of us all.
There is so much more I could say, but I will stop with this thought. Concerning my narrow sphere of where I live here in the good Ole Mid-west of Indianapolis, Indiana, you should come and tell my ex (who happened to be buffed up with muscles), my last few dates and all the men who try to holla at me that they shouldn't have and shouldn't be trying to get with me. I'm plain (most of the time, natural is awesome!) and overweight.
Oh by the way, I'm healthy and have a great attitude about my appearance. :rocknroll::rocknroll: :laugh:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 08:06 AM
oh no I riled up the queen bee. She is up and ready to fight. I knew that would get you but not that well. You that is the problem now. If a man just happens to mention weight or anything in that neighborhood he is in trouble. Maybe you should read my earlier post where I said that overweight women (by the world's standard) most of the time take better pictures than the quote pettie supposedly fine women. I even said they are sexier. So do not put words in my mouth Ms. 1babygirl. I do know how to differenciate although i may not know how to spell it. Sexy has nothing to do with the weight it has to do with the attitude like yours. BUT MOST MEN DO NOT KNOW THAT. I am not most men. You have to show it to them. Not is a lose way of dressing of course.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 08:34 AM
Yes, you did rile me with your crazy talk. I am somewhat pacified since I see that you recognize that I am the Queen Bee. :rocknroll:
Allow me some bad english. You be contradicting yo self! Don't say slow stuff just to rile me. You can't say plus sized women are sexy and take better pictures and then say it's the reason why they don't have men and still maintain creditability that you know what the world you are talking about.
Also, mentioning my weight doesn't upset me. I told you and it's absolutely true, that I am comfortable with my weight. If I wasn't I would change it (and it would be for ME and not you or ANY other dudes who may want me any other way than I choose to be). It was the ridiculous parallel you made between plain/overweight vs and not getting a job because a of a stained suit that I took exception to.
Also know that being riled in this venue doesn't equal being angry/upset in real time. I love this! It gets my blood pumping to answer your craziness. I love to debate and there is no real anger present at all. It doesn't really concern me how you or anyone else (for real) thinks about how I look or what size I am. I just like tossing the issues around.
Now that I know you try to rile me on purpose, I have been warned. Yeah, and Ima need you to invest some time into looking at or know that if red lines appear under your word, it ain't speeled rite! :laugh:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 10:06 AM
Ok I did not say it to rile you up. I just knew it would. I speak the truth as I see unless spelled out clearly in the word. Obviously you did not read what I said correctly. I said I think plus sized young women take better pictures often times than pettie young woman. And I like that. That is because I can see the beauty beaming out from inside of her. BUT MOST MEN DO NOT SEE THAT. They do not have the experience that I have of working with hundreds of women. So women take it from a straight man that knows how to relate to you. YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM. Do not be fooled by 1babygirls rants about us judging you wrong or the idea that you can be plus size and get a fine man. It can be done but it is rare. Even Tyler Perry seems to put this message across in his plays. Get my quotes right 1babygirl lol.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 10:25 AM
Oh, my!
I'm not EVEN getting in the middle of this one!
All I know is the former Mrs. CE was a ugh, juicy, woman and I never faulted her for that. My son ask me one day why Mama was so big and I told him she wasn't too big, she was under height. More of her to love.
Like I said myself, and I honestly believe Mr. Pluc was trying to say is as long as you are comfortable with who you are, it is how you carry yourself, how YOU think you look,how you present yourself, that makes you who you are. As long as you make an effort to.............AW,MAN......, I'm not saying nothing else. It's too early to make any more nemisis' and I got too much studying to do!
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 10:54 AM
Wow. Did you just write, plus sized women, myself included, cannot get a fine man????? That I could, but it would be rare???
Wow. Ugly guys, where you at, here I come!
Well, this conversation would take us full circle to the question that we've dealt with before. Who can say what is beautiful when beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
Evidently, you already have your idea set about what is fine and what is beautiful and you think everyone has your same thought process.
Dang! For real? My chances of catching a 'fine' man are small? The only thing I have to look forward to is taking good pictures? I can have more if I lose weight? If I lose weight, put some make-up on, do my hair? It's blonde, is that okay? It's cut in a bob, should I get some weave? me Pluc! I want a 'fine' man too!
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 11:17 AM
I have never heard 'juicy' as a descriptor before. I like it!:laugh:
Since I know as Pluc's new best friend you won't do it in this public forum, but why don't you give him a call and tell him why you 'never faulted' her for being what did you say? Under height? :laugh:
I'm sure if Pluc was to be blessed enough to have one of our juicier? women take him, he would not go back. Or maybe he would want to go back but he would be caught and trapped in one of our folds of juiciness? :ROFL:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 12:10 PM
dear folks, yawl been gettin it here .hehe i admit i havent read it all yet ..
just wanted to say that yes i do look at the outward appearance first .. i also would like to say that i dont see anyone as ugly.. to me GOD didnt make ugly.. as we are made in his image.. only evil is ugly.. GOD abhors evil.. thats what GOD sees as ugly.. thats only what i see as ugly too..
i believe that HE made us all beautiful or handsome ,, only some a little more so than others.. to me its whatever look you like.. that will attract you.. and many variables went into making that in you... some you inherited .. some you learnt.. maybe by ones own experiences ,the way one was raised ect.. look back at all of the men or women youve dated.. youll prolly see a pattern there..
well thats what ya like.. its your preference.. whatever that may be..
one thing though most everyone looks at the heart too and not just looks as to whether ya wanna pursue the relationship or not.. least i know i do.. if youre searching for a relationship that is..i try to also find a good heart in the woman id be attracted to..
and tatooes, piercings and how one dresses doesnt make the person any more or any less.. in church we were told in the bible not to show favoritism remember that one..
how just because one comes in dressed poor we are not to make him take a lesser seat or treat him differentl than those dressed finely.. remember them verses folks?
though i do think folks should wear their best to church ..whatever that may be..
ya know theres alot of farmers that dont even own anything but bib overalls.. my dads one.. as he got older well thats all he buys now.. thats all he wears.. if ya have a funeral and all,,, he wears his newest and best pairs..
but il ltell ya what if he came to church ,i wouldnt care if he wore his oldest and holliest pair of bib overalls id just be so happy that he came to church at all..