Author Thread: Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 05:57 AM

Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode

Hello all of you seekers and those being sought. Remember this from the words of a thinking photographer. People do not view you and your life in video like you do. You see a video gives you lots of information. It tells you what to think. Whereas a still picture freezes the frame and captures a moment of time. It leaves a lot to the imagination. So one person looks in the eyes and sees beauty, another person sees wisdom, and another love. So when people look at you they can not just keep staring that is rude. So that sub consiously take a still photo of you use it to make decision about who you are, what you do, how you act, and where you are going. They make these decisions based on their view point not yours. They look at your life through their lens not yours. WAKE UP THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Life is not fair. So in order to win you must show them the truth about you. Show them that you have it together, that you are cool, that you are confident, that you are successful, with your dress, your smile, your hair, and your demeanor. So look at your pictures and see what they are saying. Remember a picture is truly worth a thousand words.

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 07:27 PM

I meant 'reverence' :dunce:. Alright everybody, yall be wearing a sista out. :laugh: I am so sleepy and I still have stuff to do in prep for church tomorrow. I sing on the praise team and we have to sing at an afternoon service where my Pastor is preaching Long day ahead! It's been real, holla at cha later.

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 07:48 PM

That crack head reference reminded me of a story. Can't remember where I read it. During service at a rather large, very solemn church, packed to the max, a young college student, in dirty jeans, raggedy t-shirt, sneakers, unkempt hair- came strolling in about 10 minutes late. The young man walked in, went from pew to pew, trying to find an empty seat, everyone starring at him with their noses turned up. The young man gets all the way to the front of the church, can't find an empty seat so he squats down on the floor in front of the Altar. The preacher stops mid-sentence, the whole church is quiet. Then the head deacon gets up; an elderly gentleman about 80 years old and starts slowly making his way toward the young man. All eyes were on him. The preacher was getting nervous, hoping the elderly deacon,( a pious old gent set in his ways not unlike myself)- hoping he would not cause a scene right there at the alter. He got closer, all the uppity folks were smiling, clearing their throats, watching. The elderly deacon finally gets to the young man and he sits down beside him so he wouldn't be alone. He made him comfortable. Soon others got up and did the same thing.

No, I wasn't trying to be judgemental. Really. I'm not naive enough to imagine that everyone can afford Calvin Klein or Gucci outfits. My point was we can make an effort to do the best we can with what we have. At least iron your shirt or slacks, comb your hair. Make yourself shine in the presence of your Maker. No, Jesus doesn't care about your Rolex or your Tiffany cufflinks. But I'm sure he would appreciate it if you can, if you have the means, if you are physically, financially able, to make yourself presentable. At least put forth a little effort. If a crackhead or a vagrant wonders in and joins the congregation, that's wonderful too. That's great. To God be the glory!

And I agree with Wings when she said you were all beautiful. Wings, included (even though she didn't mention me when she was passing out compliments)

Ya'll have a good night!

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 11:27 PM

Hey 1babygirl did you forget that it is impossible for the man to look at anything first but her looks. Because when he meets her the first thing he does is see her. And he is looking at all the things he likes. It is natural. It is the way GOD designed it. That is the porblem for to long women in the church have not realized what is a fact. THE MEN SEE YOU FIRST. Isn't that obvious to you girls. COME ON. That does not mean we are judginjg just on that.

RIveroflife have you ever seen the attire of God or have you read about it. It is awesome. Heck what about the attire of Satan before he was kicked out of heaven. It was something else. If you thinmk God doesn't care then why did he put some much effort into making us so beautiful. We represent Him. And we should do it well. YOu can buy great looking clothes for cheap in America. We have no excuse. You can get a makeover for free with Mary Kay. Come on. So if you go to church casual or formal it should look good. Especailly if you are trying to attract a man. And don't go all super spiritual on me and say you are not trying to attract a man cause you are or you would not be on this site. That is why we are all here. Well i don't want a man. lol.

Edw thanks man I could not of said it better. You are my white brother from another mother. lol. I laughed for 10 minutes straight when you said ugly goes all the way to the bone. if anyone is offended by that then maybe you think you are ugly. You need to look in the mirror today and see your God given beauty and present it well

All this mussy mussy stuff is getting to me. Come on out a tell the truth guys. Edw is tearing you guys up because you are not admitting that a lot of women in church are jealous of the women that do present it right. And they usually get a man quicker.

Look edw keep the faith my brother we are going to evenutally show these women that we are not like them. in order to win us you must start at least trying to look good. And in order to win them we had better have our money straight because that is the number one thing women look for in a man. Oh no i did it now. They are about to blast me for that one. I go to go before it gets to hot in here.

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 04:54 AM

What's up? Getting ready for church. It's the still of the morning (just meaning uninterrupted by the kid's racket). I will be gone all day and I had a feeling Pluc had said something.

I have literally run out of words to say to explain my point any further so here I will let it lie unless someone new bring something new to the discussion.

We will just have to agree to disagree. Yesterday, was awesome. I may have found a new career path. Nothing in recent memory has had me this excited outside of my kid's stuff. I have not been married since 2004, so leave me alone.:laugh:

By the time anyone reads this, it will probably be after church. Hope all is well with everyone.

Pluc, I hope I didn't get too mushy mushy on you. :boxing:

River and Wings, now that Pluc has a partner in crime, stay tuned so yall can jump in when they attempt to 'Men are from Mars' me. :laugh:

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 05:59 AM

Men are from Mars and they rule from there. The object for the women is to learn how to come to Mars and get us. Or become so attractive that we can see you on Venus from Mars because we are searching.

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 10:46 AM

Hey ya'll, I had a good time sharing fellowship with you yesterday! That was awesome!

I just got back from church, and yes, I wore my houndstooth jacket, my Polo tie and Dockers trousers. And no, I didn't dress up to impress the ladies or anyone else. I was showng reVerence for my Lord. If I offended anyone, oh to the well. I

did not judge those in attendance wearing overalls or jeans. I'm sure they felt secure in their salvation and thought they looked their best.

Ya'll have a blessed day today. We've about wore this topic out. I'll see you in the funny papers.:glow:


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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 01:50 PM


You are the man. Hounds tooth huh? You should have taken a picture and let me see that. You probably were sharp for the Lord. Nobody should be offended by the truth that you spit out. They should learn from it. They should learn how men think and grow thereby. Even if they think you were wrong at least they can learn from a couple of brutally honest men.

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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 03:13 PM


I understand what your saying...I do, BUT I think we got our lines crossed. We should absolutely look nice when stepping out of our homes, yes we represent our Lord Jesus Christ. What I am trying to get across is let's not get so wrapped in our outward appearance that we do not allow God dig deep into our hearts and remove all the dirt. Such as our desire to impress others for fear or rejection. You can tell alot about a person by what they write, as I said, and their reactions.

I am glad you guys take pride in your appearance to attract the opposite sex, by the way, how is that working out for you?

You may think I am "trying" to be super spiritual but honestly, this is where I live. I am a ministry minded woman and for years have counseled women that have been put down for the way they are and by the time they get to me, they are sick and tired. I help encourage them and I pray with them because they are oppressed. You see, words and judgments DO hurt and many times we think they can be brushed off but it's not true. some people when they come into the house of the Lord, they could be dragging due to things they are going through. They could also be struggling with low self esteem or self worth or for myself when I put on a few pounds I wear my big clothes and it probably looks tacky, if a man is not attracted to me because of it...well he's probably not the type I would want to be married to anyway.

I know you didnt want to hear all this you were only trying to talk about looking a certain way for a photo.

Just thought I would try and explain a little of where I'm coming from.

and yes, we are all here for a reason, I have met great people here and also resources for ministry. Maybe I will meet my husband here, that would be awesome.

Love and Blessings to everyone,


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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 03:16 PM

Thanks, Pluc. That Hounds tooth jacket was one of the few articles of clothing left that the former Mrs. CE didn't take the pinking shears to. I wear it with pride! :glow:


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Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 14 Mar, 2010 03:26 PM

Ms. River, I sincerely hope I did not offend you with any of my comments. I would be the first person to give someone a hand up. I have been there myself. Please don't judge me too harshly. God bless you in your quest for companionship. A fella would be blessed and honored to have a lady like you in their life.


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