Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 05:57 AM
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Hello all of you seekers and those being sought. Remember this from the words of a thinking photographer. People do not view you and your life in video like you do. You see a video gives you lots of information. It tells you what to think. Whereas a still picture freezes the frame and captures a moment of time. It leaves a lot to the imagination. So one person looks in the eyes and sees beauty, another person sees wisdom, and another love. So when people look at you they can not just keep staring that is rude. So that sub consiously take a still photo of you use it to make decision about who you are, what you do, how you act, and where you are going. They make these decisions based on their view point not yours. They look at your life through their lens not yours. WAKE UP THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Life is not fair. So in order to win you must show them the truth about you. Show them that you have it together, that you are cool, that you are confident, that you are successful, with your dress, your smile, your hair, and your demeanor. So look at your pictures and see what they are saying. Remember a picture is truly worth a thousand words.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 02:08 PM
Oh, and when I attend Church, I'm not gong to a ball game. I can relax at home and dress accordingly. I'm not going to make myself comfortable. I'm going with the intention of paying respect to my Lord and honoring His name. No, God doesn't care how you dress, there's no dress code to get into Heaven. But a person should have the moral discipline, the respect for God, to at least make themselves presentable. I've seen people dress up better to go out dancing than they do going to church.
Anyway, I'm glad we live in a country where we have the right to disagree and voice our opinions without people shooting us. I'm not taking sides here, just adding my 2 cents to this little thread. You people are too kind and I feel part of something on here. God bless you all!
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 02:08 PM
Sorry I am not buying tatoo thing. I don't have tatoos. However I know a 23 year old young lady who has a child, is making her way through nursing school and works (mostly on her own). She works hard and has raised a son to the age of 5 so for. Her heart is as big as Texas. However if she walked into the church having tatoos and piercings should she be judged on her appearance. Absolutely not. Once a tatoo is placed on skin it takes lots of money and time to remove. Also we are a temple of the holy ghost but I have seen men in suits cuss like sailors and have no manors. It is the man inside the clohting that counts not the outside. Also I wear jeans from time to time to church. I focus more on modesty than what material the clothing is made from. Take care and God Bless wings
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 02:23 PM
Babygirl1 is out look about 5 posts back. Good point river. God desgned each of us as a separate work of art. None quite the same yet all beautifully and wonderfully made..... Take care and God Bless
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 06:24 PM
Hey yall,
Edw, you were waiting on me to reply? On the for real, you all make me feel special, thank you.
@Pluc, I was contemplating why you started this post. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I believe you are trying help women on the site who you think don't look their best in the pictures they have posted. You are trying to encourage them to shine on the inside what God is doing in there, so it will reflect on the outside which in turn will make them as attractive as possible to men. Am I right, or anywhere near it?
That is noble if correct. I just don't think you are offering the right reasons.
First, you will have to know that there are some portion of any population including this site's, that will not ascribe to thinking looks are important no matter what you or I or anyone says and that's okay. Second, a woman who is not taking care of herself or presenting herself in the best light may/probably needs healing from her past. I can list about a thousand and one things that women suffer as little girls through adulthood that damages their self-worth and esteem. That healing on the inside/change on the outside shouldn't come because they are not making themselves cute enough for some dude on the street, but for themselves. For me, there is no number three.
Let me try to explain. I have suffered some things as a child that if I shared it in detail, it would probably bring tears to your eyes. It involved hospitals, police stations and foster homes. I had post-traumatic syndrome in college before I sought my own natural (counseling) and spiritual healing. I have experienced God's healing in a way that is beyond words.
I believe there comes a time when each person should come to terms with what they look like and who God made you to be. You start to love and see yourself without comparison to anyone else or regard to what anyone else thinks about you. At that point, when you can love yourself because God loves you, you will take of yourself and true confidence can radiate from your inside out. This has been my experience.
At this point, you can say I love me and I am whole all by myself (..we are complete in Him.. 2nd chap Col). Because you so thoroughly accept yourself, those who don't, don't phase you. I don't put on make-up to attract anyone, I do it because I like it. That goes for everything I do to enhance the natural beauty God gave me. Now if you like it as well, it's all good. If you don't, its just as equally all good.
This is the point I've come to. I know I am only 38, but you would have had to see the low point from which I came.
I think that Wings and River are beautiful. I say that with no envy nor spirit of competition because I am completely at peace with who I am and how I look.
So, in conclusion :rolleyes: I believe people should be healed, whole and accepting of themselves. Not 'people pleasers'
which is in essence what you are doing when you try be or project an image with the intent to be socially acceptable.
I will address edw in another post because this jazz is too long!:zzzz:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 06:43 PM
That's deep, but well put, sister Babygirl! I can't argue with any of it (darn!) I still like Aunt Esther better then Madea,though! :yay:
I think I made a couple of the ladies mad at me but it was all in fun. I'm still wearing a tie to church tomorrow ! I know I made myself appear shallow minded, but I'm really not. I'm just old an fashioned, set-in-my-ways Baptist from the sticks. I'm old school to the core. Nothing more, nothing less. I believe we are all God's children. We are all beautiful because we are created in His image. Some folks just have a little bit more or less to work with.
I'll go now before I put my foot in my mouth(again).
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 07:06 PM
Nope, edw noone is mad here (speaking for myself). What babygirl said was truly eloquent. I appreciate a gentleman who still wears a suit and tie to church. Just saying that we need to be careful on judging the outside before seeing the inside especially as Christians. Babygirl thanks for the compliment you are beautiful inside and out River too. Also edw I appreicate you being the old fashiioned man that you are. We need more like you in the world. So everyone goodnight and take care
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 07:10 PM
Hey Edw,
About your last comment, about some people having more to work with than others. Beauty is so relative. During my college years, I hung out with a lot guys. I was still a tom-boy and liked to shoot pool and such. I would hear them talk about women and who was fine. They would see a woman and some thought she was absolutely gorgeous and others were like what?
About your having a 'sore spot' for people who don't pay their respects by coming to church in their best. I think its reflective of your heart for God that you feel indignant that people are not in your view, properly honoring your Father. I think it shows your reference for God which is an awesome thing.
I think there is a risk you run though, of being judgmental. The Bible says how can we judge another's servant? Whether people are dressed accordingly or not would be for God to judge only.
At my church, we had a crack-head come off the street into church and come to the alter, while my Pastor was preaching. The whole service stopped to minister to her. Because we often minister to the poor, we have days like dress down Easter so one feels out of place.
Someone can come to my church with jeans on, on fire for God and ready to minister or they can come to yours dressed down because they don't properly fear Him. Who can say but the One who is a reader of hearts?
I would say pray for them that their heart is ready when Jesus comes back and you continue to wear your suit and ties as your outward expression of your reference and love for God.