Author Thread: Your Pictures Say A Lot About You

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 12 Feb, 2010 07:37 AM

Ok so a lot of people message you back and forth and they should know the first thing the other person is going to do is go look at your pictures. If you don't have any then the question is why not. What are they trying to hide? Next if you have one bad picture that does not help much because you can not get a real read of who you are. Next ladies do not be ashamed of yourselves and how you look. You are who you are. Although we men really love good looking women. We are not totally stupid we do look at everything. With that said the picture is the first impression so make it the best picture that you can. Have someone take several great looking pictures of you. Then awe them with your humor, your charm, your intelligence or whatever you have. And most of all trust God to give you what you are looking for. Please remember beauty starts on the inside then it comes out so everyone can see it. Women you are truly beautiful creatures believe that. You have what we want but if you do not put up a picture how can we see it. If you think you are to big then that is telling you something. Work on that because as you work on it your whole demeanor will change and believe me we will see it and want it. Be encouraged my sisters and brothers you can do this. God made you the most beautiful creatures in the world. Use everything you got to attract the right person into your life. Blessings to you. PLUC

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 01:28 PM

What's up Peter33? You feel very strongly about the type of pictures that women do or don't post. Almost as if you think they owe you a picture worthy of your personal standard.

The truth is, putting your picture up can be a intimidating endeavor. Unless you think you are super fine and God's gift to the world, it may at least fleetingly cross your mind that someone may look at your picture and not think you are attractive. So some people (men and women) are hesitant to put any picture up except the ones that puts their best face forward.

Some are camera-shy and have self-esteem issues about their body type. Me, I'm thick and not ashamed of ma frame:rocknroll: !:laugh:

Let me offer some unasked for advice so that you don't surf this site and feel hate. Quote, "...and don't make them super tiny either.! I HATE that...!" unquote.

Look at your matches, have some compassion for the ones that might have been too self-conscious or uncomfortable to post a picture yet, respect those who chose not to post one at all, and everything else that you don't like, don't stop long enough to experience hate, just keep going.

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 02:17 PM

There you go 1babygirl again.....I am so glad you are on this always speak the truth...honestly, these are the things I want to say, but you always seem to beat me to them, but its all good, at least it was said and it does not matter who delivered it....

See God wants a bold person who is not afraid to tell it like it is, but in a Godly way, and he chose the right one when he chose you.

God bless you sister.

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 04:00 PM

lol, not me. He wasn't at all attractive for my taste. You have to be attracted to the person.

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 04:18 PM

Ok, can I get in on this ladies. I kind of agree with Peter33. Are you serious put up a picture please. WE men have the same difficulity that you women do. We have to try to look good to. If you want to attract a man put up a picture. You do not have to be a beauty queen. But we have got to at least see what we are working with. I respect you even though you do not have a picture up but i can not take you seriously because I don't know it you are a guy or a woman, really young or old, cute or ugly. I need to know something. We men are not superfial because we want a picture we just want to see you. Come on ladies. Work it out. It is not rocket science it is just the way the world is we need to see you. You guys want to know if we are creepy, really christian, successful, or not. We want to know how you look and that is it.


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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 05:38 PM

Hi all. To Gracemercy1, thank you again for your support. To INMEHEMOVES, Okaaaayyy (Ghetto style).

Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Before I found this site, I was on a non-Christian site. I got hooked up with a guy who had no photo, but had a really interesting profile to me. We are good friends. Not everyone believes that a photo is necessary. There are many men and many women that have no photo and I'm sure that they look at each others profiles, as well as some of us with photos.

I know that men are visual as a general rule, but believe it or not there are people (men and women) who are looking for more than just looks. Some purposely, don't put one up so that people that contact them will do so from the profile info alone.

All I'm saying is, if pictures are that important to you, choose from the women who have pictures , and respect the ones that choose not to put one up. I'm sure they will be alright even with without Plluc's and Peter33's endorsement.

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 05:43 PM

Ok so we put up a picture!!! then what? First you say we don't have to be beauty queens, then you say you have to at least see what you are working with.....What if you look at the picture on the profile and the female is not a beauty queen? Does that turn you off? If it does then you end up passing up the profile because the physical attraction is not there due to the appearance? Or do you take a chance and find that it was the best decision you ever made because you were more interested in the person within?

I have found most men (christian, non christian, those that have sense, those that don't, educated, non educated, those that have arrived, those that have not, etc) that say looks are not important really mean the opposite, its just something they speak out for the present moment, but on the inside they mean something totally different.

So far from your comments and views on different subjects, i have been able to put you in a different category than most , you seem to stand out above some of the others. Don't get me wrong, i don't want it to seem like i am male bashing because that is not at all what it is, this is just my personal experience as well as some of my friends.

So I say put the picture up, and if the person viewing it passes up your profile because of the physical appearance then they were not worth your time anyway and it is their loss.

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 06:06 PM

Okkaaayyy, Gracemercy1! They want us to put up a picture so that they will have more women to choose from. I wonder how many profiles (for real) have been read after they determine that the women are not 'fine' enough. :boxing:

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 06:18 PM

HMMM! do you think we have finally figured it out 1babygirl?

You know what we better stop it before we make you know who upset, then you will really have to put up your

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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 10:27 PM

what is this the gracemearcy and 1babygirl show. Of course I am going to say something. You guys must be crazy. Looks do matter, they matter a lot, but I am not intimdated by a man who looks better than I do. You women can get ugly when a fine woman puts herself out there. You know saying stuff like who does she think she is. beauty and Fine is in the eye of the beholder just like Zo said her brother loves large women. Everybody has their own taste and yours maybe just what a certain man is looking for. But if he can't see it then he may not stop. Now ladies think about it in real life do we get to see your profile first or do we get to see you. We see you in church and start checking you out. What do you think we are looking at your profile. NO we are looking at you face, your body, and the way you move. And that all tells us if you are classy, sexy, charming, sweet or not and from there we make a decision. So let's just get off the fake impression that the pictures do not matter. They matter a lot because they reflect what happens in real life.


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Your Pictures Say A Lot About You
Posted : 25 Feb, 2010 01:19 AM

Well, Well, 1babygirl, guess we were right....ya know for the first time in history I think I saw a little smoke come out of someone's ears in virtual world, huh!!!guess anything is possible these days.

Now let me make sure I understand this correctly, since I am a little tall, thick, short hair and wear glasses, my profile would only be veiwed by men who are interested in this type of female?

But what about the man whose footsteps are (TRULY) ordered of the lord, and he is seeking a saved, sanctified, filled with the holy ghost woman, one that renews her mind daily to the things of christ and possesses the fruits of the spirit? And he knows this because he has ears to hear what the spirit is saying, and the spirit has given this man peace and asssurance in knowing that a specific female is the one, (stay with me now) then all of a sudden BOOM!!! she does not look like what he wants her to look like.....Remember now, God is not concerned with the outer appearance because that is the flesh. But, when the glory of God shines on her she is the most beautiful woman that has ever walked the face of this earth, that is if you are walking in the spirit and not the flesh!!!!

So does he go ahead and be obedient and go for it knowing what the word says about obedience being better than sacrifice and knowing what the word says about a man finding a wife and obtaining favor? Or does he ignore the spirit and pass up a blessing because he was only concerned with the outer appearance? And if the outer appearance determines if you proceed or not, that would explain alot of things, my friend.

Which takes me back to what I said before, men that say looks does not matter are only saying that because that is what the moment calls for, but on the inside they mean just the opposite.

So I say to you and all the rest of the men who say they want a REAL woman of God, you better make sure you have a clear definition of what that truly means cause if you don't kindly step out of the way and let a REAL man of God receive his blessing. :yay: :boxing:


By the way you should never be intimidated by a man that looks better than you do, because God made each and everyone of us different, and we are all unique in our own way. I know you said you were not, but people say things that are just for that moment, again they mean just the opposite.....

Be blessed!!!!!

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