Author Thread: I'm sorry

I'm sorry
Posted : 28 Mar, 2010 11:57 AM

The reason I am putting this in this thread is because it was this thread I made the mistake. In P-luc's post about pictures, I erroneuosly and harshly criticized those with tattoos and piercings. For those who were offended, I am truly and sincerely sorry. I am not apologizing to get kodus. Through soul searching, prayer, and sermons, I realized that these were the people Christ was reaching out to. These are the one's who need our help the most. I judged when I shouldn't have. That was wrong. Very wrong. I wrote in another post that I lack the qualifications to judge and I should have listened to my own words. They cut like a knife sometimes,

Those out there who read the words I wrote and were offended, please forgive me.

I still believe the body is the temple of God. That will never change. But I was too quick to condemn those with tatoos, piercings, and so on.

I received a message from someone I really care for and it broke my heart that I might have offended her. I can only ask that she, and all of you will accept this public apology. I wish her and the family member she spoke of only the best of what God has to offer them.

God bless you all.


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I'm sorry
Posted : 29 Mar, 2010 10:04 AM

Congrat's Pluc! Good luck to ya! BTW, that's a mighty sharp suit there!

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